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"hey, what's going on" Zach said

"why are you sitting with Hannah" Logan asked

"because i can" Zach said

"stay away from her" Logan said

"you can't tell me what to do" Zach said 

"Watch me" Logan said

and they started fighting for me but now you think how do you know him. well when I was still  in my old school he was a bully and he bullied the girls but I was the only girl who he didn't bully because he was in love with me but then i moved to this school and met Zach and then he never saw me again and now he's back

"ok I'm done, stop fighting" I said

"no" Zach said

"no" Logan said 

i ran away to my house and opened the door and walked inside.

i saw my mom siting on the couch

"hi" I said

"hi" she said back

"so what did you do?" she asked 

"oh just hang out with someone" i said back 

"ok" she said

*bzzz bzzz*


hi, can you come to my house 


yes of course, why


you can see it later


please tell me






see you later


see you later

I walked out of my room and walked downstairs to see someone I don't want to see now, after what happened. 

"I have to go" i said hoping he'd let me go

but he stopped me

"can we talk about it" Zach asked

"later" i said with sigh

"no wait" he yelled 

I went to my car and drove away to Emily's house 

"I'm here" i said

"ok that's good" she said

"so why did you want me to come" I asked

"because then we can hang out" she said

"ok, let's go" I said 

"we're do you want to go" she asked 

"to Starbucks" i said

"ok" she said

we went to my car and drove away on the way we talked.

we arrived

"so here we are" I said

"what do you want" she asked

"coffee" I said

"ok" she said

"coffee" someone yelled and walked drunk over to me 

"yes, coffee" i said 

she came back with a coffee and looked weird at Jonah who drunkly walked up to me.

"what is Jonah doing here" she asked shocked 

"he heard the word coffee and came to me because he is in love with coffee" I said  

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" i yelled at someone


i hope you really like it so comment or vote if you want so ily guys i really do this for you guys

Amelia xx

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