Divine Retribution

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"That's odd, it feels so empty in here." She whispered.

They quietly exited the kitchen and found their way to the hallway. Most of the doors contained bedrooms or other simple rooms that were of no interest to Scorpio. Suddenly they heard someone humming down the hallway.

"Damn it." Scorpio looked around for a place to hide but they found that the doors they were around were locked and there was no time to pick them.

They were caught, they were going to die right here.

Scorpio shut her eyes as the humming got closer and Sagittarius pulled out a dagger. He wasn't going down without a fight. The person turned the corner with a plate in his hands, and he saw them.

Sagittarius was just about to lunge for him but Scorpio stopped him and put a finger to her lips. The young man continued humming and touched the walls, feeling for the patterns. They both ducked under his arm as he passed them.

"Where is her room again?..." He mumbled to himself.

He paused in front of the large stone door, frowning.

"I'm back near the main room again?!" He cried out in frustration and backtracked back to where Scorpio and Sagittarius were crouching.

This time they silently moved toward the stone door, making sure that he turned the corner before talking.

"This must be it." Scorpio smiled.

"How do you know?"

"A big ominous stone door doesn't seem suspicious to you?" She raised an eyebrow.

Sagittarius rolled his eyes and cautiously put a hand on the door. Instantly, he felt like something was choking him and he moved backward.

"Don't touch that." He coughed and breathed deeply.

"What why?" Scorpio tilted her head in confusion.

"Just don't, let's go." He grabbed her hand but she resisted and pulled away.

"We got so far." She huffed and faced the door.

Scorpio delicately touched the door and gasped, for her, images of blood and death flashed before her eyes. She breathed heavily, as tears began to fall down her face. Sagittarius yanked her away from the door and pulled her close, embracing her.

She was brought back to reality and tightly held his shirt, trying to hide herself by burrowing her face in his chest.

"I-I s-saw." Her voice trembled.

"Shhh, it's ok." He said in a comforting low tone.

"Who are you?" A voice came from behind them.

They gasped and turned around to find the young man that was wandering the hallways earlier he had heard them talking. He was standing in front of them but staring off in the wrong direction.

"Uh uhm....just the new guards." Sagittarius tried to play it off.

Gemini looked confused, he remembered Aquarius getting rid of the last guards she had.


Sagittarius held his dagger tightly. If this kid made one move, blind or not, he would kill him. It seemed like Scorpio had the same idea as she also pulled out her weapon.

"I don't remember Aquarius telling me anything like that..." He stared at the ground.

Sagittarius realized that this man looked foreign. He definitely looked like he was not from here. He felt kind of bad because this man looked no more then eighteen or nineteen.

Queen of Hearts- A Zodiac StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang