Waking up to a nightmare

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                                             Waking up to a nightmare


When I walked into Craig's office never once did I expect my heart to drop. He had told me about Symphony but I never expected to see this beautiful woman in front of me. For a moment I forgot why I was here. When I had got her file the only pictures that were provided were of the bruises on her left hand, arms, legs, stomach and her neck. I understood when she refused to shake my hand, but a part of me wanted to feel her touch. Craig and her friend left the room leaving us alone, I could tell that she was nervous by the way she was playing with her hands. I glanced down and noticed the bandaged around her ring finger, I knew it covered her make shift wedding band.  

"Where do you want me to start?" She kept her eyes on the floor, scared to look at me.

"How about the beginning." 

She closed her eyes and a tear fell immediately. "Have you ever tried to wake up, but felt like your body just won't move? Almost like your paralyzed and stuck in one place?" She waited for me to nodde my head yes. "That was how my body felt. I felt this sting in my neck and when I woke up, I saw this figure sitting next to me on my bed. I tried to get up, I tried to move but my body just wouldn't. I could feel the fear but I couldn't react to it." She started crying and I wanted to comfort her but I knew that would be a bad ideal. "His face was covered with this mask and he was wearing all black, but his eye's were blue and when he took off his clothes his skin was white and he had this strange smell, i had never smelt it before." She closed her jacket tighter and I glanced outside noticing the ninety seven degree weather outside and she was all covered up like it was the middle of winter.

"He started touching me and telling me to relax, because he knew I wanted it as much as he did. He said that he had been wanting for me and knew that we were meant to be together. I couldn't feel his touch but I felt so disgusted in my mind. The way he was laying on top of me and moaning will always hunt me forever" She wiped her face and wrapped her arms around her body. "After a while I started to regain feeling back in my body and he made me take a shower with him and I had to moan and thank him for helping me wash my body. He kept telling me how much he loved me and that all of this was meant to be. And if I was a good girl he would reward me with another round. I tried to fight him but he got so angry and started hitting and choking me. I wanted him to kill me, because after the first time he rapped me I wanted to die. I didn't even see the needle until it was in my arm numbing my body again, he kept raping me throughout the night. When he woke up he said I was a good girl and to reward me, he decided to make me his wife. He took a wire hanger out of my closet and held it over the flame on the stove and branded a circle on my ring finger. After awhile he left and when the medication finally wore off I was able to call for help."  

I had read her file from the hospital she had traces of curare in her system, that was used to help paralyze her body. He had brand her on her ring finger wanting her to see that she belonged to him and only him. I gave her a moment to collect herself.

"Were do we go from here?" Symphony asked me.

"I take a look at your home and than we work on a set schedule for you." At first I was going to have my assistant watch over her, but now I want to do it myself. She stood from her seat and looked at me with those big beautiful brown eyes of her's.

"Is it ok if Nicole comes with us?"

"Sure, anything to make you feel comfortable." I don't know why but the way she looks at me, makes me want to smile.  

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