41 - Problems showing up

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A month has passed and now Wu Zhang Wei got less time to spend with his wife. Almost everyday, guards and officers came to report some cases. Yesterday, guards who worked at the port reported that some merchants make some disturbances at the port. It was a rare case since the port had been peaceful and calm for years. All the merchants who came to Wu Empire know the rules and conditions if they want to do business in this country.

Some other merchants also reported that they were robbed by pirates on their way to the Wu Empire. They're just a few miles from reaching the port but suddenly a big ship belonged to a group of pirates invaded their ships and steal all their valuable items. This kind of thing shouldn't happen as the armies were placed to protect the sea. And as long as people have entered the Wu Empire region, the soldiers are responsible to protect them. However, no one saw where those pirates came from.

This matter happened three weeks ago but until now, no signs of pirates could be traced. Sitting on the dragon throne, Zhang Wei's eyes fall on Huang Fei Hong.

"What about the pirates? They have been caught?"

Huang Fei Hong shakes his head. He sighs. "Pardon Your Majesty. We still didn't get any information about them. It feels like they come and go. They robbed actively in one week only. But then, they suddenly disappear. No one ever came again reported about their ship were robbed."

Zhang Wei frowns. "Then, what about the ones who were robbed? Where are they now?"

"All of them had returned to their country. All of their belongings and merchandises were stolen so no reason for them to stay here any longer. After making a report, two or three days later they sailed out."

Zhang Wei leans back on the dragon throne. He can't help but feel something strange about this matter. Where did the pirates come from? It is impossible they just suddenly emerge from under the sea. Then, after they did their work, where did they disappear?

"Continue patrolling and tighten the security at the port. Every single person who landed at the shore, their information must be recorded and asked them to left something valuable to the guards. Only when they're going to return to their place, they can take back their token." Zhang Wei releases a heavy sigh.

When they're about to move to another matter, a guard running inside and immediately knelt.

"Pardon for my intrusion, Your Majesty." The guard's face is slightly pale while he is panting heavily.

Zhang Wei hums. "What's the matter?"

"Two farmers came to report that something happened to the West farm."

Zhang Wei takes a deep breath, his eyes turned cold. "Call them in!"

A moment later, two farmers came into the hall. They look here and there, sweating, feeling anxious. When they accidentally laid their eyes on the cold emperor, they quickly lower their head, slightly trembling.

Both farmers knelt and greet the emperor.

"What happened?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Yo- Your Majesty... When all the farmers went to our farm this morning, we found that all the plants had died. All of them had been de- destroyed."

The farmers explained that the causes of death are strange and looks impossible no matter how much they think.

The traces on the soil showed footprints of animals but if the animal intrudes their farm, for sure those animals will have injuries as their farm is fully protected with barbed wire fences.

The gate also still intact and no signs of being damaged by animals. Those farmers meet a dead end. They never thought all their hard work was destroyed in one night.

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