Chapter 2

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“Owen!” I called arriving near the Jawa’s sandcrawler, I kept R4 close knowing how Jawa ‘s could get but they knew of me when I search for my grandmama with my father before his fall to the dark side. Owen looked towards me and noticed my presence.
“Ah, there you are, Lou. I was beginning to think you weren’t coming” Owen shouted as I began making my way over to him, I chuckled.
“I would never abandon my baby brother, I mean come on look at that cute little chubby face” I teased grabbing Luke’s cheeks and playfully moving them.
“Ha, ha, very funny. Some sister you are” He retorted going to walk towards the sandcrawler with Uncle.
“Luke! Luke!” I heard Aunt Beru call, I watched him run over to the opening in the sand. I went after him. “Luke, tell your uncle if he gets a translator, be sure it speaks Bocce” Aunt Beru reminded.
“Doesn’t look like we have much choice, but ill remind him” Luke shouted back, before walking back over to his Uncle. 
“Beru!” I called, I saw her smile happily.
“Lou, come down. I wanna show you something” She shouted back, I nodded before running down the steps of the entrance of the home. R4 not far behind me. I headed down to level ground and there I was met with the smiling face of my Aunt Beru. “Ah, how beautiful you’ve become. It’s been far to long since I last saw that smiling face of yours” Beru commented, we embraced each other gently before pulling away and we started walking.

“It’s been very long indeed, it seems the only reason I smile is spending time with you” I responded making her smile.
“Just like your mother, as sweet and gentle as always. But then again, you never seem to surprise me at how much trouble you can get yourself into” She exclaimed causing me to chuckle as we arrived in the dining area. I sat down as I watched her go over to the shelf near the end of the room and pick up a small long wooden box, and she headed back over before setting it down in front of me. “I was given this a few months before your grandmother died. She told me to give it you, she said it belonged to your grandfather” Beru commented. I looked at her confused, she beckoned me to open the box and I slowly itches my hand towards it, and opened it gently. What was inside shocked me.

“Master Qui-Gon Jinn was my grandfather?” I muttered out loud is shocked and amazement

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

“Master Qui-Gon Jinn was my grandfather?” I muttered out loud is shocked and amazement. He was one of the Jedi I always hoped to live up to, and one of the Jedi I always wished to meet growing up. My fingers slowly slid around the hilt of his saber and gripped in firmly in my hand, I took a deep breath before igniting it. The blinding green light of the saber peered back at me, making me smile. I unignited it before placing it on my Jedi belt next to my own lightsaber, and then grabbing the bracelet. It felt rough under my touch as I stroked the wiring of the middle with my thumb.

I then slipped it onto my left wrist and covered it with the white fabric of my sleeve, and the sleeve of my robe. “Lou! Lou! Come here! Come here quick!” I heard the screaming of my baby brother calling for me. I quickly got up and heading in the direction of his screams before I arrived in the room he was in and saw a holographic message of a brunette girl in white. It was Leia.
“Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope” The voice of Leia recited. It kept repeating.
“Is there any more to this recording?” Luke asked making R2 beep frantically. I gasped understanding him.
“Behave yourself, R2. You’re going to get us into trouble. It’s all right. He’s our new master” 3PO warned before R2 began beeping more. “He says he’s the property of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a resident of these parts.... and it’s private message for him” 3PO explained before R2 beeped again. “And a dear friend of his... Caligo” 3PO added making me go wide-eyed. “Frankly, I don’t know what he’s talking about. Our last master was Captain Antillies. But with all we've been through, this R2 unit has become a bit eccentric”
“Obi-Wan Kenobi. I wonder if he means old Ben Kenobi” Luke muttered before looking at me, I shrugged.
“I beg your pardon, sir, but do you know what he’s talking about?” 3PO asked looking at my brother.
“Well, I don’t know anyone named Obi-Wan... But old Ben lives out beyond the Dune Sea. My sister here lives with him” Luke informed beckoning to me.

“He’s kinda a strange old hermit” I voiced before noticing my brother looking at the hologram.
“I wonder who she is. Sounds like she’s in trouble. I better play back the whole thing” Luke muttered going over to R2 but he started beeping frantically.
“He says the restraining bolt has short-circuited his recording system. He suggests that if you remove the bolt...he might be able to play back the whole recording” 3PO informed making me crack my knuckles, I went over to the tool bench and grabbed the necessary tool for the job. Before going over and gently and swiftly removing the bolt, the Jawas stuck to him. But the hologram message stopped playing.
“Wait a minute, where she’d go? Bring her back. Play back the entire message” Luke ordered.
“’What message?’” 3PO mocked before hitting R2 over the head. “The one you’ve just been playing. The one you’ve carrying inside your rusty innards” 3PO reminded making me secretly wink at R2 thankfully.
“Luke! Lou! Luke! Lou!” We heard Beru call.
“Alright, we'll be right there Aunt Beru!” Luke shouted back. We both then turned to look at the two droids.
“I’m sorry, sir, but he appears to have picked up a slight flutter” 3PO apologised to Luke, I put the tool near 3PO and I headed to find Aunt Beru. She was exactly where I left her and Owen was there with her, I took my seat next to Uncle Owen on his left side as Aunt Beru poured some juice into my cup. I began to eat supper while Luke made his way over and sat down on Owen’s right.

“I think that R2 unit might have been stolen” Luke commented as he sat down, I glanced at him still eating.
“What makes you think that?” Owen asked.
“I stumbled across a recording while I was cleaning  him. He says he belongs to someone called Obi-Wan Kenobi” Luke explained, the rest of us looked at each other knowingly but none of us where gonna say anything. “I thought he might have meant old Ben. Do you know what he’s talking about?” Luke asked making Owen shake his head. I started to eat my vegetables and almost cringed at the taste of them but swallowed them anyway. Beru must have noticed the look on my face and smiled.
“You always hated vegetables ever since you first had them. You always said they tasted like wampa liver” Beru chuckled as I forcefully swallowed it make me gag in disgust.
“Still do. And always will” I commented making the three chuckle. Before Luke had a thoughtful look on his face.
“I wonder if he’s related to Ben” Luke voiced.
“That wizard’s just a crazy old man. Heck Lou lives with him so she knows what he’s like” Owen retorted shutting Luke up. “Tomorrow, take that R2 unit to Anchorhead and have it’s memory erased. That’ll be the end of it. It belongs to us now” Owen instructed as Luke grabbed the jug of juice and started to pour some in his cup. I held out mine and he poured some in mine as well. I started drink some and put it back on the table.
“But what if this Obi-Wan comes looking for him? And his friend Caligo?” Luke asked making me gulp as I looked at Beru, she nodded slightly telling me to calm down.
“They won’t. I don’t think they exist anymore. They died about the same time as your father” Owen retaliated making Luke look at him shocked.
“They knew my father?” Luke asked, I sighed slowly getting irritated.
“We told you to forget it” I warned shutting my little brother up. Hearing about my father was a touchy subject for me, and Luke knew that. Whenever he tried to ask about him, I would either walk out the room or preoccupy myself and ignore him until he stopped asking.

“Your only concern is to prepare those droids for tomorrow. In the morning, I want them on the south ridge, working on those condensers” Owen ordered, my heart dropped at the idea of not being able to help Leia, I didn’t want my little sister hurt but I knew that the best thing right now was making sure the droids forgot about everything to do with Ben.
“Yes, sir” Luke muttered going quiet. The only sound was us eating until Luke broke the silence. “I think those new droid are gonna work out fine. In fact, I was also thinking about our agreement—about me staying on another season. And if these new droids do work out, I want to transfer my application to the academy this year” Luke continued making Owen look at him curiously.
“You mean the next semester before the harvest?” Owen asked making me gulp, oh god.
“Sure. There’s more than enough droids” Luke exclaimed.
“Harvest is when I need you the most. It’s only one season more” Owen commented, Luke avoided eye contact. I sighed knowing he wanted to join the alliance but we needed to keep him safe from our father and my husband. “This year we'll make enough on the harvest, I'll be able hire some more hands... and then you can go to the academy next year. You must understand I need you here, Luke” He argued.
“But it’s a whole ‘nother year” Luke whined.
“It’s only one more season” Owen stated making Luke place his cutlery on his plate, annoyed while going to get up.
“Yea. That’s what you said when Biggs and Tank left” Luke muttered getting up from his seat.
“Where are you going?” Aunt Beru asked.
“Looks like I’m going nowhere. I have to go finish cleaning those droids” Luke sassed, I finished my food and jogged after him.
“Luke! Luke!” I called climbing after him as he headed to the surface. “Luke!” I screamed coming out the entrance, I went to go find him until I saw him looking at the sunset in front of him. I sighed before walking over to his side. “Luke?” I muttered softly grabbing his wrist gently.
“Oh, Lou. What am I going to do? I’m going to be stuck here forever” He whispered defeated nog looking at me, I sighed also defeated.
“I don’t know, Luke.... I don’t know" I breathed out laying my head on his shoulder....

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