Chapter 7

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“Welcome Lord Vader and Caligo. We’ve been expecting you” Viceroy Gunray greeted, I used the force to close all escaped roots including the one we just entered through. We both then ignited our lightsabers, making a few try to escaped thee the closed paths, they banged on the door.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now, now, boys. We were just about to begin the show” I teased, my voice deep and menacing. A maniacal chuckle escaped my mouth, before I used the force to bring one towards me, I sliced them in half and the battle began. Blood was spilled everywhere in that room. My dark yellow eyes striking fear into every victim I with held. It wasn’t long till we finished killing all of the separatist leaders. Until one was left... Viceroy Gunray squirmed towards the middle of the room and I force jumped over and landed it front of him.
“The War is over. Lord Sidious promised us peace” Viceroy exclaimed making me tilt my head with mocking sympathy. “We only want—” The swish of my wrist sent my lightsaber penetrating his body and I breathed out in relief.
“Ah, that felt good” I gasped, I felt my father’s disapproving gaze pour into me causing me to look at him. “What? Can’t I have a little fun?” I asked sarcastically, he rolled his eyes before heading into a separate room leaving me in a room full of dead people. I groaned before exiting through the hallway I came down.

I arrived outside and instantly the horrid fumes And thick smoke consumed me whole. I coughed slightly as I stood there and watched the blazing red lava run down the rocks and miasma surface. I heard the sound of a ship not minutes later and I spotted the familiar silver starship of my mother. They landed not far from me and by that time, Papa arrived next to me and we walked towards them. I watched the hatch open and my mother, Hunt and Rose ran out, the second my eyes caught my daughter’s I instantly puck up my speed and met her in the middle with a hug. “Mama? Great Uncle Ben told Papa that you’d become an evil person?” Rose whispered in my ear, making me look towards the ship I could see a glimpse of a tan colored robe. Obi-Wan.... I stood up and headed towards Hunter before hugging him. I kept my eye on the robe as it slowly edged nearer and nearer. I walked towards my parents and joined them.
“Obi-Wan told me terrible things” Mama breathed glancing at the two of us.
“What things?” Papa asked as I still kept the corner of my eye on the robes of my former friend.
“He said you and Lou turned to the dark side. That Lou...killed Younglings” Mama sobbed, making my face drop. I looked at her and noticed she was almost in tears. I then looked at Hunter and noticed his face was stone-cold while Rose, who he held in his arms, looked confused and sympathetic.
“Obi-Wan is trying to you against us” I commented looking at my mother and Hunter.
“He cares about us” Mama argued making Papa mad, but he didn’t show it.
“Us?” Papa asked confused and slightly mad.
“He knows” Mama breathed. I growled lowly. “He wants to help you both” Mama continued, I began to walk over to the edge of the platform to collect my emotions. I couldn’t keep this act up any longer. Obi-Wan knows I haven’t fully turned and will go after Papa but.... My eyebrows furrowed in confusion sensing a close darkness near Rose. Oh my god! Hunter’s turned.... he’s a Sith Lord! “I don’t believe what I’m hearing” Mama voiced, catching my attention and I turned to her seeing her walking backwards slowly from my father. “Obi-Wan was right. You’ve changed”

“I don’t wanna hear anymore about Obi-Wan. The Jedi turned against me. Don’t you turn against me” Papa warned making me slowly begin to circle around Hunter, we connected eyes and he knew I knew his secret. He placed Rose down on the ground and she watched confused as Hunter joined me, us circling together, never taking our eyes off each other. Our hands raised slightly towards our savers ready to attack at any moment.
“I don’t know you anymore. Anakin.... you’re breaking my heart. You’re going down a path I can’t follow” Mama sobbed. I quickly glanced towards the entrance of the ship and could sense my uncle coming closer and closer.
“Because of Obi-Wan?”
“Because of what you’ve done. What you plan to do. Stop. Stop now. Come back. I love you” Mama screamed and I looked at Obi-Wan as I got in full view. He noticed my gaze and nodded, I gave him a curt nod in return. At least now he trusts me.
“Liar!” Papa screamed causing me to stop, I could sense my father’s anger and my mother’s terror. I gasped realizing the true cause of my mother’s death. Chancellor Palpatine wanted my father, so he could come up with an excuse to kill my mother. Taking away her power... that’s why she dies in child birth. “You’re with him! You brought him here to kill me” Papa exclaimed before I watched him begin to force choke Mom.
“No!” I screamed raising my hand to force choke him but I felt my oxygen cut off and it felt like I was getting choked instead, I wheezed in pain as I turned my gaze to look at Hunter to see him force choking me.
“PAPA! STOP! STOP IT!” Rose screamed grabbing her father’s arm and pulling it to try and get him to stop.
“Let them go, Boys!. Let. Them. Go” Uncle Ben ordered. I could feel myself begin to loose consciousness. I watched him let go and I completely blacked out, the scared face of my daughter being the last thing I saw....

The Lucy Skywalker Chronicles حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن