It's gotta be a good name, not a joke name...maybe....depends if it's good enough

I left the cave in search for any wildlife and wood

Y/n:I haven't seen a single deer on this planet yet. Why?

I kept walking through the forest still searching and searching and SEARCHING until I smelt the worse smelling thing ever

I looked behind a set of bushes and saw a corpse

Y/n:Oh hail naw. Oh wait! Vat iz zis?

I looted the corpse

like they needed their stuff anyways

Y/n:A scroll? This will come in handy. Oh it's broken.

I threw it to the side and kept searching the corpse

Y/n:Wallet. The person was...a woman named Miranda. May you rest is piece. Oh! Nail clippers! And a....what the fuck?

This person had pictures of me with Arktos and Arktos Jr.

Who was she? Eh she's dead so it ain't my problem

I couldn't find any deers so I started cutting a tree down

You may be wondering how I made a makeshift hatchet... well god gave us hands and Sticks n stones for a reason. And we turned those sticks and stones into fully-automatic rifles to fight in a war

After cutting the tree and chopping it into pieces, I brought them back to the cave

Y/n:I got fire wood.

I saw Arktos with three deer carcasses

Y/n:I'll...get the fire started.

I placed the wood in a circle and grabbed my flint and stone

Y/n:Man make fire!

I tried lighting the wood ablaze but it wouldn't work

Y/n: Sparky sparky!

I tried again but it didn't work

Y/n:Me has said! Man make fire!


The fire roared to life


Fire! Haha Fire Fire! Haha!

After lighting the fire I carefully cut up the deers with the bayonet end of my shotgun and made some good portions for the four of us to enjoy

Y/n:I could really go for a deer meatloaf.

After eating and sleeping I decided to go out and look for civilization

Y/n:Come on Arktos and family. We going out to look for civilization! And if they don't accept you three, I shall make them.

We all left the cave in search for a new place to live

Hours later

We've been looking around for a town or something to live at but no luck

The only place we were able to find was a bandit camp

The only place we were able to find was a bandit camp

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Y/n:Alright, here's a camp. Let me talk to them first, stay back here so they won't get hostile right away.

I slowly made my way to the camp

Bandit 1:You there!

Y/n:I come in peace fellow marauder. I only seek shelter for the hard times of winter.

Bandit 2:Winter won't be here for a while.

Y/n:I know that, but I was seeing if I could stay here once winter arrives.

Bandit 1:No can do. Only people that are part of the tribe can enter.

Y/n:What if we can trade?

Bandit 2:We don't trade with people that aren't known.

Y/n:How about this. I offer my service to fight beside everyone here. I am probably one of if not the best fighter you will ever find.

Bandit 3:How can you be so sure that you are the best?

Y/n:I've killed over hundreds of people alone. And I have military background so I know how to be strategic.

Bandit Now go away or we'll have some trouble.


I walked away

Y/n:That didn't work.

Arktos:(sad noises)

Y/n:I have one more idea.

Nightfall came

I was at my camp near the campfire

Y/n:Alright, I did a bit of scouting. There are three entrances.

The front door

There are holes in the front entrance that are big enough to slip under

But the problem is there are guards at watch right now and it's never unguarded

Side entrance

There's a gap in the wall big enough to slip through

This is the safest approach because there's usually nobody near that side of the wall, HOWEVER, it leads towards where they sleep

Back entrance

Another guarded but not so much compared to the front

There's only one guard at watch compared to three but their food storage is located here

So how will I take this approach?

Jasafarion here

Sorry I didn't get a chapter out and sorry with how short this one was.

Let me tell you a quick rundown of last week on why I didn't make a chapter

Tuesday: Left hand bruised to where it hurts to clench my fist.

Thursday:Right hand STAB! By a drill. Not deep enough to get stitches but still bled everywhere.

Friday:Had to skip work because my right hand was hurting too much while putting pressure on my hand.

To sum it up: I am not left handed so I should really not use the drill with my left hand

Anyways take a vote with the three entrances and I'll try and get a chapter out soon

Remnants of a soldier(reboot)RWBY,something something kill meWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu