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~June 20th, 2013~

You yawned as you walked out of the airport terminal, still groggy from the 11 hour flight you had just been on. You rubbed your eyes as you made yourself to the baggage claim, where you were met with your tall sister, Yuka.

"Hey kiddo, look at you! You've grown!" She looked down to you with a smile as she pat your head.

"Knock it off Yu." You swat her hand away due to your tired grumpiness.

She caught on to your attitude and helped you silently get your things and get them into the car. She drove off and you quickly drifted to sleep in the car...


"Wakey~wakey~, we're here!" A voice chimed.

You grumbled and shifted in the passenger seat of the car as your eyes blinked open into a squint as the sun filled the street and car. You were always grumpy when you first woke up, so you didn't say anything with the intention of keep your sister safe from your morning wrath.

You both gathered the things from the car and hauled them up to the 2 bedroom apartment which was your new home. 


It took about 2 hours to unload all of your things, and once you were done, you were in a significantly better mood than you had when you first woke up.

"Aaaand... that's all!" Your sister chimed, breaking the last box and putting it into the front closet.

"Thanks for your help! Are you going back to Tokyo now?" You say as you sit on the sofa.

"Unless you want me to stay for a few days, I don't have any assignments this week so I can stick around while you get settled." She plops next to you.

"No, I'll be okay. You don't have to worry about me!" You smile and stand up holding your hand out. She grabs it and you hoist her to her feet.

"Ok-" she starts, you spring to her back and start pushing her to the door, hoping to have time to get another nap in.

"Go, go my dear sister, you are appreciated but gooo."

"Ok! OK!" She shouts as she grabs the wall and turns to you. "Listen, my old friend is coaching the volleyball team from your new school. They have a game on Saturday, do you want to go?"

"A game?!" Your eyes shine. "Count me in! Pick me up then."

"Alright shorty, I'll see you then," She smiles and walks out the door.

"Ughh- why do you still have to call me that~" you whine.

"Fine, is small fry better?" She teases.

"NO! Bye." You shut the door after she mocks you.

It was a Thursday, you had arrived in Japan from Canada about a month before the first term of school was to end, so you had to catch up on schoolwork beforehand. You had a few days before you started school on Monday morning.

~June 22nd, 2013~

"this gym is huge!" You said as you and your sister walked onto the balcony over the court.

"Hey you guys!" Your sister approaches two guys standing on the edge of the balcony by the Kurasuno Banner. You recognize them because your sister would always hangout with them at the house when she was still in high school.

"Hi Shimada, Takinoue!" You chime in behind her and wave at the guys.

"Well hey little (l/n)! Been while, you just get back?" Shimada waves.

"yep! Good to see ya."

And with that, you turned to the court. The team we were watching didn't look all that tall aside from around 3 of them. The other one had more in size thats for sure.

"Is that... Aoba Josai? It's Iwaizumi!" You look down studying the boys. "and Oikawa too? Well I guess that makes sense!"

You knew them from your old neighbourhood. Oikawa was always the setter and Iwaizumi was a hitter when you all played volleyball together.

Just then, your eyes shift over to the Kurasuno bench and you recognize a blonde beefy man. "UKAI!" You shout at him and wave.

"uh-what?" He looks up and squints in your direction. "Well I'll be! Hey shorty!" He smirks and returns the wave. The Kurasuno team also looks up and studies who just shouted at the Coach.

A certain dark haired boy lingers a little bit longer on her. 'Why does she look so familiar?' He thinks to himself.


(a/n: I'm not really gonna write out entire game scenes it would take too long like oooo get on with the storyyyyy)

"Well that's a shock, they lost?" You murmured. "They had an insane quick attack, but of course Oikawa prevails..." your hand was on your chin as you unpacked events of the game.

"In terms of skill, I would say Aoba Josai definitely had the advantage. They are more put together..." Shimada admits.

"I'll be back!" You told the group as you were head down the balcony to the court. You lingered by the door, not wanting to invade their territory when Oikawa and Iwaizumi started heading your way.

Once they got to the doorway, you attacked.

"IWA! IWA IWA IWA!" You jumped on his back and messed up his hair with a huge grin planted on your face.

"What the hell- GET OFF-" he turned his head finally and saw you looming over him. "No way! (f/n)?!"

You hopped off his back and swung up your arm in a wave, "how goes it! Good to see ya."

His face was shocked, and Oikawa peeked out from behind him. "well if it isn't (f/n), been a long time beautiful~" he winked at you and went to grab your hand. You swiftly moved it and lightly karate chopped his head.

"You haven't changed 'Kawa. Anyways, Congrats on the win! Seems like you had a hard time though~" you giggled at Oikawa in a taunting way.

"So mean! You're just like Iwa..." He held the top of his head and pouted.

"thanks (f/n). When did you get back? Have you grown?" Iwaizumi asks you with a small smile.

"about 2 days ago! And as a matter a fact I have, I'm 5 foot 1 and a half now thank you very much." You stood with your hands at your hips in a prideful way.

He patted you on the top of the head and took a step past you, "we gotta go, don't be a stranger okay?" He grabbed Oikawa and dragged him along, and Oikawa blew a kiss towards you when they left.

"hmph." You smiled through a scoff. 'they both haven't changed.'

As they left you turned to the doorway. The Kurasuno boys were heading towards the door, towards you.

You shuffled to the side to let them exit. Their heads were low and you could tell they were grovelling in their defeat.

When the group was in front of you, you spoke. "Hey." The boys stopped and turned to you. "Don't look so down, its not over yet. You never grow if you never lose."

They lingered for a second and continued to look towards you. Your face slightly started to heat up from all their eyes on you and you turned to retreat back to the balcony. You waved behind you, "See ya later."

The boys began moving again, but you didn't see one continue to linger on your back.

"Hey Kageyama, do you know her or something?" A voice spoke up.

"I-I... Don't know."

It's not over yet! Kageyama x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now