The Advice

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  Arabella was glad that after so many slippy topics, their conversation finally emerged into a lot more gleeful themes

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 Arabella was glad that after so many slippy topics, their conversation finally emerged into a lot more gleeful themes. They had spent the last hour laughing, talking animatedly about Simon's band that was on hiatus: Rock Solid Panda, which name she found dope.

She was now leaning on the table, her chin on one hand, listening to him lecturing passionately about the latest Star Wars movie. She hadn't watched anything released after the prequels.

When the waitress came for the third time asking if they wanted anything else, they decided it was finally time to go. Stopping at the front of the café, Simon turned to her, nervously.

"It's so early, yet. You know... A vampire's day only begins after sunset".

She felt her heart pound and used everything she had learned about body control in meditation lessons to calm it down. She knew Simon could hear her heartbeat with his super hearing and didn't want to be even more embarrassed than she already was. She tried to hide the expectation from her face.

"I mean... I don't know where else we could go. That is, if you wanna go...".

Arabella gulped and almost yelled "of course I wanna go!", but held her tongue and thought What would Aurora do? Her sister didn't seem to have any problems with her agitated love life...

"Where do you live?" - She asked keeping her voice steady.

He raised his hand to scratch his head in a dramatic move. "Oh... Ha! About that... Don't laugh, okay?" - he pointed his index finger at her mocking an accusation. - "I live in a boathouse at the parking lot of a Chinese restaurant at the docks of Red Hook".

She raised her eyebrows to him then laughed, despite his request. "It doesn't seem very vampiristic". -The girl sneered. - "I mean... doesn't anybody notice a pale boy with fangs coming and going every night?"

He grinned back at her and proceeded to explain. "Of course they notice. They let me live there. The restaurant belongs to the Brooklyn pack of werewolves. It's not the ideal place but I guess it's better than risking my mother catching me drinking blood in my bedroom. Again."

She choked, surprised. "Werewolves? And they let you live there???" -Vampires and werewolves living at the same place??? It would've been less shocking if he'd told her he could walk in daylight.

"Hmm... about that... Well, I guess they don't have a choice. Their alpha offered me the place. Luke's always been like a father to me since I was a little mundane boy. He's my best friend's stepfather". - he explained with a soft expression, Arabella noticed. These people must be important to him.

"Is your best friend a werewolf, too?" - she asked, amazed.

"No, Clary is a Shadowhunter".

There was no room in her forehead for her eyebrows to be raised high enough. "Okay, let me see if I get this straight..." - She started counting on her fingers. "You're a vampire who lives in the parking lot of a werewolves' pack base, and you're best friends with a Shadowhunter who happens to be an alpha's stepdaughter?"

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