I laughed. "I bet it is." 

"What are you guys doing tonight?" 

"We're just havin' a party here, I think a lot of people from the shop are coming." 

She groaned. "That sounds like so much fun. I never realized how much I was gonna miss Detroit parties."

I laughed. "Bullshit, you're probably goin' out to some million dollar house and gonna be drinkin' Champagne or some rich shit like that." 

"Sooo? You can take the girl outta the hood, but you can't take the hood outta the girl." 

I laughed again. "That's true. Well we'll take a shot of Hennessy for ya Champagne drinkin' ass tonight." 

She giggled. "Please do. I miss you guys so much! I can't wait to see you next Christmas." 

"I know, we miss you so much too, Ti. Christmas fuckin' sucked without you. And I know DeShaun's really upset that you're not here for New Years." 

"I know he is, I feel so bad. Take care of him for me." 

"I got ya boy for life, don't worry." 

"I know you do." I could tell she was smiling which made me smile. Fuck do I ever miss her. 

"Yo! Did you ever listen to the tape I made ya?"

"Oh! Yes I did! I'm so sorry, I completely forgot to call you. I absolutely fucking loved it. My favourites were '93 Til Infinity, Keep Ya Head Up, and N.Y State of Mind."

I laughed. "Yeah? I knew you'd like '93 Til Infinity. That's definitely your preferred style of rap." 

She giggled. "Yeah it's so good, I loved it. Brandy's really into hip hop too and she said it's a really well-put together mix." 

"Well tell Brandy I said she's dope." 

She laughed again. "I will."

"Aight, well I should let ya go. DeShaun and all of them should be here soon." 

"Okay sounds good. Call me again soon! I miss you!" 

"Yo you call me, you got my number." 

"I will I will. Have a good night!" 

"You too, Ti. Love you." 

"Love you too. Bye!" She said quickly and then the line went dead. Immediately after she hung up I had this weird feeling in my stomach. It feels like me and Ti are in this weird limbo where we're not together, but we had some crazy sex before she left, but I don't think she has feelings for me anymore, and I don't think I have feelings for her anymore, but then why the sex? It's all just so odd. 

Not to mention, I've also been hooking up with Kim every now and then too recently. But I mean really recently. Like within the last week. I think we've had sex twice maybe? And I don't know if I should feel guilty about that? I kinda do, but I kinda don't. Because I feel like the sex me and Ti had was kinda a one time thing. Like break up sex slash good bye sex. I don't know. I probably do still have feelings for her, I mean it's Ti for christ's sake. I'm always gonna love her to some degree, I know that, but now we're just back to being friends. I don't know. It's just weird and confusing. As shit always is with us.  

When me and Kim slept together again the first time, we had both gotten really drunk at one of her friend's parties. Although the second time, we were both completely sober. I wouldn't say I had feelings for Kim, I just don't think we're that compatible hence why we used to break up all the time, but I definitely like having sex with her so that's good. I'm also just certainly not ready to jump into another relationship anytime soon since I essentially just got out of a three and a half year one with a girl that I may or may not still love. Well, not essentially just got out, but recently. Too recently for my liking at least. I wonder if Ti's slept with anyone else? I would hope not. The thought of that makes my stomach churn. Hm. Maybe I do still love her.  But she's gone now anyway, so it doesn't even matter. 

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