Epilogue: Ryan/ Willow

Start from the beginning

          When he was done, his fist immediately pumped into the air as a large smile covered his gorgeous face. "YES!" I yelled while jumping out of my seat and clapping as loud as I could. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as Scarlett jumped up and down and hugged me.

I watched as everyone started throwing yellow roses out onto the ice, something that warmed my heart. When he was interviewed for a magazine his mother got brought up and how his love of skating came from her. Their shared love of yellow roses also got brought up, which was now what everyone threw to him. He grabbed a bouquet of them before waving to the audience once more, people still clapping. Willow was then skating over to the edge of the ice where Ned immediately met him. I smiled as they fiercely hugged before walking over to the Kiss and Cry, where they'd await their marks.

Once I sat back down I watched the screen showing Willow and Ned sitting next to each other, both smiling. Willow was then waving into the camera while breathing heavily. The entire rink was waiting on these scores, which were so important. It felt like I was going to throw up just waiting on these scores, can these people go any slower? I kept my eyes on Willow's face in the camera and couldn't help but smile, he really was so special.

Scarlett grabbed my hand, Dan grabbing my other as we all held our breaths once the scores were coming out. When they were finally posted our entire family stood up to cheer, he was now in first place. Even if the last skater scored higher than him, he was going to medal. His face on the screen lit up like a Christmas tree as he immediately started to cry, Ned giving him a hug.

I couldn't wait to wrap my arms around him but we needed to watch this final performance. When I realized who it was, I couldn't help but shake my head. A certain person from Germany that had once had an intimate moment with Willow, all those years ago. Everything I've heard about him honestly made him seem like a tool. Again I might be biased but anyone who didn't love Willow wasn't worth it. I was forever grateful that he gave me a second chance and I was here. Unlike that certain person from Germany, I would never leave him in a bathroom. I loved him far too much to do that.

My hands started shaking again once Elias took the ice and everyone lost their fucking mind. Okay he might be good, but he definitely wasn't that good. Come on people. Maybe I was just a little bitter, or a lot bitter.

"Representing Germany, Elias Kaiser."

Scarlett grabbed my hand again as he took his position, his spiky brown hair pointing up towards the sky. His music started to play before he started to glide around the ice. He might be a prick but he definitely knew how to skate. All of his turns were really nice and he landed his first quad but had a really shaky landing. He had some more shaky landings but nothing honestly that bad. It was honestly making me extremely nervous. When he finished skating we politely clapped and watched him glide off the ice, my fingers digging into my knees.

The entire rink was dead quiet as we all waited for the scores to come out. Was it possible to have a heart attack from waiting?  I definitely felt like I was going to have one, these scores needed to come out now. And then finally, finally, the scores were coming out. They announced his name and the entire world seemed to fade away. Elias was good, but he missed out on placing first by five points. That means Willow did it, he won gold!

"YES WILLOW!" I screamed while jumping up with everyone else around me. The screen above the rink then showed Willow who was jumping up and down and wrapping his arms around Ned. He did it, he did it! I was so incredibly proud of him I started crying all over again.

The tears flowed harder by the end of the day. The US skating team got silver so my baby was walking away with a gold and silver medal. Watching him receive his gold medal was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. He even gave Elias a friendly hug, his heart so big it made me smile. Seeing him stand up on the podium with the gold medal around his neck and the National Anthem playing, is an image I'll never forget.

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