10: Ryan/ Willow

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He was in the same spot when I got back into the bathroom, still just silently staring at the wall. After checking the water temperature I made sure he had towels before asking, "Do you need any help?"

When he didn't respond I shut the bathroom door and took a deep breath. He didn't move as I carefully took his shirt off, his creamy skin coming into view. His body was so lean and fit, exactly how I always thought it would look. It made him look that much more graceful. I couldn't wait for the day when I'd get to explore his body properly.

As I let his shirt drop onto the floor he suddenly ran his fingers over his right wrist. "This was where I was going to get my Olympics ring tattoo."

When he started crying I slowly lifted his hand up, kissing the delicate skin on his wrist. "And you will Willow. You'll get that tattoo in four years. Your skating career isn't over."

After giving his wrist another kiss I started to lower his pajama pants down his long legs, helping him to step out of them. As I stood back up his arms were suddenly wrapping around my neck. He then pulled me down to his level and covered my lips with his. My entire body reacted to his mouth as his fingers buried into my hair. His lips were desperately kissing me, my arms wrapping around his bare torso. Even though this was the kiss I've always wanted and always waited for, I pulled back.

He whimpered when I pulled back, his sad eyes looking up at me. "Can I not even have you?"

"Willow," I whispered while placing a hand onto his cheek. "You have to trust me when I tell you that you already have me. But I don't want this side of us to happen when you're not in the best mindset. I'm not going to push myself on you when you're sad. Okay? But I'm not going anywhere."

With a nod he wiped his eyes as I led him over to the shower. Once he was facing the shower curtain he was then lowering his boxers down, my heart jumping into my throat. I watched the fabric roll down his legs, my eyes instantly drawn to his absolutely perfect ass. Fuck, his body was seriously perfect. He was perfect. And this was not the time to be ogling over him.

"Feel free to come downstairs when you're done, I'm going to make some food for you."

"Okay," he said while stepping into the shower.

After shutting the door behind me, I took a deep breath while running my hands over my face. Holy fucking shit balls, I'll never forget the feeling of his lips on mine. I'd been wanting to do that for as long as I could remember, but didn't want him to think I'd only want to kiss him if he was in this state. My fingers shook as I touched my lips, a smile creeping onto my face. He was the first man I'd ever kiss and already couldn't wait to do it again. But I needed him to feel better first.

Taking another deep breath, I wandered downstairs and towards the kitchen. His sisters were sitting at the island, their eyes instantly looking towards me. It was crazy how much they all looked like each other. This entire family had really good genes.

"How is he?" Avery quietly asked.

"Not great," I said with a frown. "I have him taking a shower right now, I told him I was going to make him something to eat."

"There's fruit in the fridge," Scarlett said, her face sad. "I can't believe he's not able to go this year. I know how much he wanted this."

After grabbing different items from the fridge, I started to cut fruit up as Avery got a waffle maker out. "He loves blueberry waffles," she quietly said while getting some bowls out to help. "I'm glad you were able to get him out of bed. I'm really worried about him though."

Scarlett then got up and started helping to cut fruit with me. "I'm worried about him too," she said before looking up at me. "But I think out of everyone you're the one who can turn him around."

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