Seokjin enters the old bunkers

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Seokjin one day decided to see the inside of the old bunkers. He wants to see the inside of them.

They've been living above ground officially for a few years now. Seokjin firstly he enters the bunker he called home before he met Yoongi, bunker B.

Since the bunkers were now being used as museums, it's no longer forbidden to enter compartment A.

Seokjin walks in. He sees that compartment A was very lavish. He descends the steps deeper underground.

He sees compartment B. It's not as lavish as compartment A, but Seokjin knew it was just enough for the couples who lived there.

Seokjin saw compartment C, the compartment he used to live in. The thirty year old closes his eyes and thinks back.

He could see his twenty year old self doing a medical examination on a miner, or doing a self-internship.

Compartment D is just as meaningful to the thirty year old as compartment C. Some of his family lived in Compartment D.

Seokjin smiles. He has special memories of all the other compartments as well. He comes and re-emerges to see Yoongi waiting for him.

He's standing outside of bunker B, the bunker where He and Yoongi spent a majority of their life together.

"Want to see this one together, babe"? Yoongi asks. "Of course". Seokjin says. This was a few years after they got married. They go inside.

They see Namjoon and Jungkook. Namjoon just turned thirty. Jungkook is twenty-nine. He smiles at them.

The twenty-nine year old looks so mature for his age. He really knows how to act his age. Yoongi smiles back.

They're touring the old bunkers too. Of course they are. Why not? They go to Compartment F first.

This is the first compartment Yoongi lived in. The thirty-two year old smiles as memories come rushing in.

They retrace their steps to Compartment B. This is the compartment that both Yoongi and Seokjin spent their lives before it was safe to go above ground.

Yoongi and Jungkook are both walking back. They bump shoulders. Yoongi jumps. He whips around. It's just Jungkook.

The twenty-nine year old was startled too. "Oh, hi Jungkook". The thirty-two year old says to the twenty-nine year old.

"Hey Yoongi". Jungkook says. "My thirtieth birthday is next month". He says. "I know". Yoongi says.

Namjoon comes up from behind him. He wraps his arms around Jungkook. "Soon, you'll be the same age as me". The thirty year old says.

"Yep". Jungkook says, kissing Namjoon. Yoongi smiles at their friends. He can't believe that they all became friends in this bunker.

He can't believe that was thirty years ago. It seemed like it was only yesterday that he and Seokjin were together just as boyfriends.

Now their married and touring the bunkers. He sighs. "What's the matter, Yoongi darling"? He hears Seokjin ask.

"Nothing, babe. Just reminiscing on some old fond memories of bunker life". Yoongi says. Seokjin nods.

He hugs his husband close as they both are standing in the exact middle of their shared compartment in their old bunker.

Namjoon and Jungkook had left to tour the other compartments. They come back from compartment F.

"Yoongi, how'd you live in there? It's so small". Jungkook says. "Compartment F? It just took resilience". Yoongi says.

"You had to be tough if you wanted to be a miner. Because you worked in some of the harshest conditions on Earth". He added.

"Wow, babe. Your so tough and I love that about you". Seokjin says as he hugs his husband.

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