The Packing

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Katie got home around 4:15 pm. She was automatically forced to pack. She packed all her clothes, bows, hair things, makeup and photos. Katie didn't have a lot of stuff. She was just grateful for what she had. She stared out the window in her room. She knew the next time she would be here would be for a funeral, her grandmother's. She put some quilts and blankets in a box. Her grandmother would have to drive her to California.

"Katie come on it's time to go." Her grandmother said. Katie took a deep breath grabbed her bags and boxes then went downstairs. Katie packed a thing of water and some snacks. She then helped her grandmother put the boxes in bags in the car. Katie stepped back and looked at the house sighing. "Katie, I have something for you." Her grandmother surprised her. Her grandmother put a necklace made of real gold in her hand. It was a locket. The locket was her mother's. This is what Katie's mother had left her in the will.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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