Uncharted Regions

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We walked to the bridge in silence, where Shiro had a map of the universe and Honerva's whereabouts, or lack there of, on the screen.

"Honerva's been off the grid since we left Oriande... until now." Shiro said, "We just drtectef a wormhole signature at the coordinates beta-four-ex-seven. Unfortunately, without Allura's ability to wormhole, we'll never get to her."

"We can't let this opportunity go to waste." I said.

"True, let's call the crew to the conference room and come up with a plan." Shiro said.

It didn't take long for the crew to gather in the conference room. And it felt empty without Allura and Saoirse.

Pidge and I stood at the front of the room to begin the meeting.

"We now know why Honerva retrieved Lotor's mech." I said to start off the meaning, "Since its made if the same comet ore as Voltron, it has the ability to pierce through realities. Honerva is gonna use Lotor's mech to find her version of a perfect reality."

"Perfect reality?" Romelle repeated questioningly, "Does that even exist?"

"She's searching for it right now." Lance answered solemnly, "And if it exists, she'll find it."

"The problem is the trans-reality ore has been traveling between realities for millions of years." Pidge explained, "And it's a naturally occurring phenomenon. What Honerva is doing is forcing that process to happen, which could have catastrophic side effects on this and any reality she travels through."

"Wait, isn't Saoirse somehow connected to the universe, being a Teshirian and all?" Veronica asked.

We went silent, and I nodded.

"Saoirse told me about her connection to the Light of Teshiria, a power that grows from her home planet Teshiria." I explained sadly, "She said that Teshirians were created from the universe, and Saoirse also said that she can hear the stars talking to her. There's no telling what kind of affect the destruction of our reality can have on her with that kind of connection."

"So, what's the plan?" Hunk asked, "Maybe we can, we can make a giant tractor beam? Sam, you could do that, right? Make a giant tractor beam? We could pull her to us and then blow her up with a star bomb! Pidge, a star bomb?"

"There is no plan, Hunk." Lance said, "We know what Honerva wants to do, but we can't get to her. And even if we could, she has the ability to wormhole away. Without Allura, we can't chase her and without her and Saoirse, we can't form Voltron."

Everyone went quiet again.

"Well, we have to do something." I said, breaking the silence, "We'll prepare for battle. We need to be ready to face Honerva."

"We've been tracking a Galra fleet within our vicinity." My mom said, "Our intel shows they have a Zaiforge cannon. Maybe Kolivan and I can take a small team and commandeer the ship."

"Why don't you take Commander Lahn and try to recruit them to our side?" I asked, "We don't want to fight more battles than we have to."

"In the meantime, Slav and I have been working on prototype upgrades for the Atlas' weapon system. Of course, we'll have to somehow find extra power for them." Commander Holt said.

"Always making the most amazing things in the universe, but never having enough power to run them." Slav sighed.

Pidge smiled, "New weapons? I'll give you guys a hand with that." She happily volunteered.

"And I may know where we can get the extra power." Coran said, "There's a small Balmera in this territory."

"All right! A little trip to a Balmera." Hunk said excitedly, "We'll take the Yellow Lion."

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