Carina couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed at the scenes in front of her. She looked around and there was almost a death eater duelling someone at every corner she looked at. Minnie was being the badass bitch that she was and holding her own, Bill Weasley was fighting off a few death eaters. Ginny had been fighting one of the Carrows. It was so intense and Carina thought she was about to have a panic attack. She took a deep breath in and shut her eyes to calm herself.

After a moment, Carina decided to go and help some of the others that were duelling as Orion said he had to go and find George. She had spotted Draco walking with Professor Snape but she didn't question it as it made sense as Snape was his godfather and she headed towards Alecto Carrow shooting them with a stunning spell in the chest.

Ernie MacMillan had arrived and tried speaking to Potter but was just pushed to the side — carina thought it was so rude and wanted to teach Potter some manners — and Carina ran over to tell them what was what. She didn't think it was fair for them to be kept in the dark

"There's death eaters! You need to put your potters spell club skills into practice now!" She screamed at them before she shot a spell at a death eater that was coming their way

Carina couldn't help but feel anxious. She needed to find Blaise and make sure he was alright, how could she find him amongst all of this though. She had come face to face with Nott Senior and she scowled. He sent a non verbal spell her way but Carina managed to deflect it easily.

The duel went on for a while and Carina was losing stamina, she had never duelled for very long before and she realised that maybe she should have practiced a bit more. She should have at least practiced her cardio because she was bloody exhausted. Carina was hit with a jelly-legs jinx but managed to send a non verbal spell his way before she completely messed up her shield charm and was sent flying back into a wall as Nott Senior cast 'stupefy'.

She hissed in pain as she hit her head but she thought she was dreaming when she saw Nott Senior being sent flying sideways. Neville Longbottom had his hand out for her to take and helped her from the floor.

"Are you alright Rina?" He asked and Carina nodded feeling slightly woozy, Neville held her shoulder to steady her

"My brother, I need to find him," she panicked

"I saw him by the astronomy tower, be safe Rina okay?" Neville asked

Carina pinched his cheeks as a sign of affection before pressing a kiss to his cheek and headed back towards the action. She couldn't see much and was trying to keep as focused as she could on avoiding rogue spells that were being thrown. She noticed that Orion had found George and they were duelling side by side, she saw that Fred was with Bill Weasley. She relaxed knowing they were safe but she needed to find Blaise.

It was like time stopped when she saw the scene in front of her. Her Zio and Uncle Marcello were duelling two death eaters side by side, Carina thought she recognised them to be Avery and Rodolphus Lestrange. She sent two stunning spells their way catching them off guard so her uncles were able to have a breather. They both shot her a thumbs up appreciatively and she grinned at them.

She saw that Blaise was on the floor in the corner duelling Robert Mulciber. Carina sent a spell his way but missed and she tried again and again until he managed to disarm her. His smirk was venomous, thinking he had the upper hand but Carina let out a cackle — she sounded deranged but she didn't care. She didn't need magic to hurt Robert Mulciber like she had wanted to. Nobody hurt Blaise.

Beloved - F. Weasley Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora