Idiot...why did we even invite her?!

Start from the beginning

Richu: Oh that..I just go from home to school and back and I usually don't talk to anyone.

Avu: (looks at Varun and they start laughing but stop as it's awkward and they both say) weirdddd af!

Sidd: Whats weird about that?

Avu: nothiiing! (High-fives Varun)

Alia: (a very confused about what is going on between Avu and Varun) um..whats going on?

Richu: (Waiter brings their drinks down on the table and passes the bill to Avu as she asks for it) look our drinks are here.

Alia: Yup!

Avu: (sips on her coffee and burns her tongue but doesn't show it cuz its an everyday thing and she purposely does it)

Alia: (who keeps putting her tongue near the coffee and taking it out as its very hot) god Avu! How are you drinking your coffee? Its so hot.

Varun: (touches Avu's cup) how are you even holding it without the handle?

Avu: (puts the cup down and looks at her blood red hands but blisters yet to be formed) Oh..wait I'll go put some ice on it.

Alia: Avu..take care of yourself atleast. Should I come?

Avu: (smiling...more wickedly) No its fine!

Richu: (stares into her cup where the hot chocolate, too hot to touch lays) Avu..I mean Avneet. You sure you're okay?

Avu: ya..(starts walking straight to the counter passing the opposite side of the table where Richu sits and tipping the hot chocolate right onto Richu's white shirt)

Richu: (throws the cup of cold water onto Avu white shirt and screams) Aaah!

Sidd: (stares at Richu and glares at Avu who walked passed without even apologizing) Richu! Are you okay? Wait I'll bring a towel and go talk to her okay wait here one second.

Sidd POV

How could she! What does she think of herself? As long as I am alive no one..literally no one can harm my Richu!

Sidd: (I walk up with utter rage to Avu who applies an ice pack to her hands) What do you think of yourself?

Avu: Well...I think I'm awsome,funny,cute,better than yesterday and human...wait no definitely not human*laughs on the last part*

Sidd: (lifts Avu's face up to look at him straight in the eye)'re not human because you don't have feelings or a heart.

Avu: ya okay. What else do you have to say?

Sidd: What problem do you have exactly?

Avu: No problems! I'm perfectly fine.

Sidd: No! What problem do you have with my girlfriend! Why did you drop the hot chocolate on her.

Avu: (laughs a kind of mad laugh) Seriously Sidd. That Richu of yours is like a two year old child! I just mistakenly tipped the hot chocolate on her and she threw what?..cold water *laughs* like seriously cold water? Couldn't you get anything better?

Sidd: Avu. You're not two. You couldn't possibly tip the hot chocolate over by mistake!

Avu: Fine..even though I didn't do it by mistake. What are you going to do now? Or what should I be doing now?

Sidd: Atleast apologize?!

Avu: Even she should

Sidd: And why exactly should she apologize?

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