
255 3 6

Funtime Freddy is back smg3 base.

Smg3: tell me who do you have in there?

Funtime Freddy: take a guess.

Smg3: mario?

Funtime Freddy: no I'll give you a hint your rival.

Smg3: wait you actually got him!

  funtime Freddy: yeah it was really easy.

Smg3: that's great news put him in that cage over there.

Molten Freddy: why is there four cages?

Smg3: well it's because all of you except OG funtime Freddy will get some one person I hate each. Ok funtime Freddy drop him.

funtime Freddy: ok

Smg4: let me out you son of a bi*ch!

Bon bon: nope

Smg4: and why Is that.

Smg3: because he's my friend.

Smg4: that voice no it can't be!

Smg3: but I'm afraid it Can.

Smg4: how are you alive.

Smg3: because of Luke and Kevin video I'm out of the internet graveyard.

Smg4: ok what do you want with me then.

Smg3: I just want to show you something spectacular,fantastic and beautiful.

Smg4: get on with it.

Smg3: alright I will funtime Freddy open the curtains.

Funtime Freddy: yes boss.

He reveals the curtains and smg4 see not 1 not 2 but 3 if you count funtime Freddy it's 4.

Smg4: what da f*ck!

Shadow freddy: GuYs LooK at his face.

Savage Freddy: it's hilarious

Molten Freddy: know your place in trash.

Smg3: what do you think?

Smg4: you monster.

Smg3: me the monster *laughs*

Smg4: this is low even for you smg3.

Smg3: right Savage Freddy.

Savage Freddy: yes sir.

Smg3: I want you to go after tari. molten Freddy you go after Luigi and shadow Freddy you go after the toughest person they know Saiko!

All of them: ok

Smg3: savage Freddy your first go get her!

Savage Freddy: come on Bon bon we have a birthday Girl to find.

Bon bon: yay I love a birthday party.

Savage Freddy goes to find tari and all smg4 can do is watch.

Part 4 done

Hudson out

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