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The men cheered in happiness as they were watching the tower of Sauron collapse. The battle had ended. The war was over. They won. And they were alive.

The survivals, excluding the elves, laughed with relief, when all of a sudden, Mount Doom exploded. The ground shook beneath their feet, rocks fell from the mountain and lava burst to the sky.

Smiles of happiness turned to yells of shock.

None of them, not even Gandalf believed anyone could live through such an explosion. It meant that moments after victory, Frodo and Sam were killed.

A piercing whistle rang through the air. "Olórin." Onethea called. The wizard turned to her, eyes watered at the prospect of the hobbits' demise. The Queen did not share such pain. "Go and search for them. When you find whatever it is there to find, fly back to Minas Tirith, where we will rest after the war."

Not truly having much hope for the little ones, but most definitely not wanting to fight with the Queen, especially with the cold expression she wore, Olórin obliged. He mounted the eagle that landed at the Lady's call. Then the two flew to the top, followed by the rest of the eagles, in search of life.

But Onethea at the moment did not have any place in her heart left to worry of what befell the two hobbits. So filled was she with concern for Legolas, there was no room for anything else.

The prince was still on the same spot, lying in a pool of his own blood. Ráynil and Astar did all they could to dress the wound, but they were unable to completely close it. The prince was in pain beyond belief and the blood loss made him pale and weary. He was sure he would die soon.

However, the Queen would not let that happen. She saw everyone she cared for die, because she was not capable to save them. But now her powers were back. Now she had the ability she had lacked all those years.

Now she could save him.

Legolas kept his eyes on her all the time as she walked towards him. He knew what laid in her heart, fear, hope, care, but despite it he had to admit that the look in her eyes scared him a little.

Onethea paid no heed to anyone as she kneeled next to Legolas. Her hands came to rest on his stomach, over the wound, while his eyes were concentrated on her face. She was painfully aware of the pain he felt.

"Flower, gleam, and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine"

Onethea's sweet voice calmed down Legolas' racing heart. His weariness slowly began moving away. The pain was not so pronounced, though he could feel the stretch of the skin as the wound closed on its own.

Somehow, Onethea was healing him with her singing.

"Heal what has been hurt
Change the fate's design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine,
What once was mine."

The song finished and the only sign that anything happened was Legolas' bloodstained shirt and a thin silver scar. He exhaled the air he did not know he was holding. It was a strange feeling being fine, when one thought one would die a moment before.

But as he smiled at Onethea, believing everything to be better now that he was healed, his smile faded at the look in her eyes. They were still colored silver, glowing from all the magic, but there was something else.

It was like winter laid in her stare. There was a certain detachment as she was staring coldly at the ground. Before her was a different time, something that was not there.

Not anymore.

Cold and barren walls of the steal cell she was chained in. She had no idea how long she was there. No idea if her family knew she was alive. But she had hope.

Forgotten QueenWhere stories live. Discover now