Don't Shoot

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As he sat up, Fury let out a groan. "You really think I'd need one?" He asked, something small and silver in his hand. Something was wrong, I could feel in my chest. "My wife kicked me out," My brows furrowed. Fury didn't have a wife as far as I knew, and if he did there were no pictures of her in his office, just of a curly-haired little girl with a bright smile.

"Didn't know you were married," Steve seemed to be as clueless as I was. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me," He said. "We know, Nick. That's the problem," Steve reached over, turning on a lamp which Fury quickly turned back off. He typed out a message on the silver thing, holding it out for us to see. Ears everywhere.

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash," SHIELD compromised. "Who else knows about your wife?" I asked, still staring at the message. It was odd, even for me, who knew HYDRA was still out there. I had always thought they were just paganists, worshippers of the Red Skull like in the 40s. You and me.

" friends," He said. "Is that what we are?" Steve asked. "That's up to you," Three gunshots rang out, alongside a cry from Fury as three bullets pierced his chest. "Skit!" I swore. Steve dragged Fury to the side as I rolled out of firing range.

 He was wheezing and coughing, holding out a drive. "Don'," The door slammed open, someone coming in. "Captain Rogers? Captain, I'm Agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Service," His neighbor greeted. "Kate?" Steve asked, confused. "I was assigned to protect you," I found that odd.

Captain America didn't need protection, he could hold his own in battle. Trust me, I've seen it first hand. "On whose order?" He demanded, as 'Kate' spotted Fury laying on the ground, unconscious. "His," She dropped to his side, checking for a pulse before digging a walkie-talkie out of her scrubs.

"Foxtrot is down. I need EMTS,"

a/n If Larry likes the internet, Larry would not want to encounter these mice - My dad

Thallium | Captain America: The Winter Soldier [7]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora