(Note: They will all speak normally at first but once fused this is how the fusions work:

Rottmnt character speaking: They will speak like this

Stardew Valley character speaking: They will speak like this

Them both in synch/unison: They will speak like this

But with Leo he gets fused with TWO characters and not just the one so if the above rules applied with him as well it would be very confusing so here's his fusion rules:

Leo solo: He will speak like this

Alex solo: He will speak like this

Sam solo: He will speak like this

Leo and Alex in synch/unison: They will speak like this

Leo and Sam in synch/unison: They will speak like this

Alex and Sam in synch/unison: They will speak like this

All three of them in synch/unison: They will Speak like this

Okay so that's all you need to know before we start and feel free to go back and look at this if you forget this- (Even I might have to do so and I'm the author-))

"Everyone! We need to get into the portal NOW we need to head in pairs if we all want to make it back to our dimension before the portal collapses! I can only keep this thing open for a certain amount of time do to it still technically being a little unstable still!"

"Yadda yadda, does your nerd brother shut up?! We're about to be eaten by slimes!" Alex yelled at me. I flinched a little, but I could understand why he was so pissed, the portal that currently let us cross between our dimension and his dimension exploding wasn't the only reason we had to be quick. Slimes, green blobby thingy's aka monsters that came from this dimension decided to attack us-

"Rude. Anywho we'll kinda go in pairs, Me and Sebastian, Raph and Marnie, Mikey and Emily, Leo, Alex and Sam, and lucky April gets to go solo we'll go on three."

"THREEE-" I screeched. My group charged and jumped in an that was the last thing I remember before blacking out. 

And when I woke up along with my brothers, April and our new friends, something changed. But before I get on that. Let me tell you all about the story where me, April and my brothers all jumped through a portal Donnie made and we ended up making new human friends and new non-human enemy's from a different dimension.

I remember it like it was yesterday...... Oh right cause It was yesterday-

Donnie had just presented a new thing-a-ma-jig he made. ...Don't tell him I called it a thing-a-ma-jig if he asks say I called it an invention. The last thing I need is my angry-pancake-younger-twin attacking me (A/N I personally think Donnie's the older twin but Leo is the older twin for the story).

We were all grouped together in the living room and Donnie had something hiding under a cloth it reminded me of what was supposed to be his "Turtle tank reveal" ya know, before dad stole it-

"Presenting my latest invention, the thing that science said was impossible-" Donnie started speaking. "Hey Donnie, no offence but- no one and I mean no one wants to hear you make a science speech." Raph spoke up, after raising his hand of course, he was always the teddy bear that tried to please.

Donnie snorted. "I made a portal that can send people to different dimensions." He ripped the cloth off to reveal it.

Me, Mikey and Raph just looked at him confused. But to be honest Mikey and Raph where the only confused one's I on the other hand understood him. I'm not a genius but I know how to program/re-program a robot because it's handy to have that skill just encase Donnie turns evil. And my skill was boosted when Donnie de-brain-washed us yes I know we where brain washed but I'm the only one that does.

But don't tell my brothers that I know programming or they'll start making me fix their sh*t as well. That and I'm supposed to be the face man/fun brother that does funny jokes and puns.

So I act like I don't know that stuff to cover my hidden talent, that and I enjoy Donnie's dumbed down explanations. They're funny.

Donnie looked like he was about to commit murder. Then took a breath and spoak like a cave man. "Me make magic hoola-hoop, hoola-hoop transport things to different worlds."

I snorted while Mikey and Raph understood.

"Anywho it's still kind if unstable," He glared at us "Which means it works but there's a chance it will break in the middle of using it, example: a unreleased 1.0 version of a YBox One-" 

"YAY YBOX!" Mikey yelled. He was a huge YBox fan he owns all the consoles, the original YBox, the Ybox 450, Ybox one, and he even pre-ordered the new YBox series Y coming next month- Me? I'm more of a FunStation 4 man.

Donnie snorted do to being interrupted. "Or FunStation 4. It works but it might break while using it."

Mikey sprung up again. "Hey Donnie, you know that famous PC game that I now play on YBox do to it releasing on consoles, "Stardew Valley"?"

"Scoff. Uh yeah I do it's famous and me and Leo play it on Funstation 4." 

"Well, we could use the portal to go to Stardew Valley!"

Donnie was about to protest then he thought about it. "Actually Michel that's not a bad idea."

Raph was giggling excited and chanting "Stardew Valley". He played it on YBox with Mikey. Yes we ALL loved that game, Donnie because you could create things, me because you could slay monsters, Mikey because he could take 'Doctor Delicate Touch' out on the monsters and befriend 99% of the NPC's, and Raph cause you could raise animal's and they'd never die.

Donnie took his phone out. "Hold up, I'm gonna call April and see if she wants to join." literally 10 seconds after Donnie finished the call April came and kicked the door down. "WOOO! TIME TO HOP INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION!"

"Let's go!" Donnie said starting up the portal and setting the dimension. We all jumped in and I blacked out. And when we woke up we weren't in New York anymore.

*insert Splinter walking by the portal, rubbing his eyes, then leaving-*

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