❇Chapter 17

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Something will occur between Shashi at the end 🥵.


Two weeks later,

Dr Anjali: What do you think?
Dr Juhi: You can't do this to me.
She says sitting on the couch.
Dr Anjali: I am always doing things for you. Do this for me.
Dr Juhi: How will I live alone with Dr Shashank?

Dr Anjali: He is your boss and friend.
Dr Juhi: It does not matter. Do you think your dad will let you move on with Vardhan?
Dr Anjali: I am not planning on moving in now. I am thinking sometime next year.

Dr Juhi: I will just buy a house for myself.
Dr Anjali: You have not sold your new house in Pune. Wait for that.
Dr Juhi: I am renting it out for the start of next year.
Dr Anjali: For now, you should live with me and dad.
Dr Juhi: You have plans to move away right.
Dr Anjali: Not exactly now. You have to help me convince him.
Dr Juhi: I think you are drunk. I am not doing that.

Dr Asha knocked on the door.
Dr Anjali: Come in.
She came in.
Dr Asha: Dr Juhi, it is time to do Dr Shashank's evaluation.
Dr Juhi: I will see you later.
She got up and followed Dr Asha.

Dr Shashank: Hey girls. I am ready to be discharged.
Nurse Philo: Just slow your roll.
Dr Juhi: Good morning Dr Shashank. Are you ready?
Dr Shashank: What do you think?
Dr Juhi: You need two more months of bed rest.
She laughed.
Dr Shashank: I would just die. I need to go outside and feel the sun on my skin.

Dr Asha: Normally after brain tumour surgery you should just have been discharged after 10days but we need to take extra care of the wonderful Dr Shashank. You need to go back to surgery. Everyone misses you.
Someone walks in. She pushes Dr Juhi away from his sight and hugs him.
Dr Juhi: Excuse me, who are you and why are you here?
Dr Anjali: She is my mom's cousin, Dr Bani.

Dr Shashank: It has been a long time. How are you?
Dr Bani: I am good Shassy boo. I have missed you.
She spoke fluently in her American accent.
She hugged him again.
Juhi was just burning with fury. She went to Anjali's side.

Dr Juhi: She doesn't look like a cousin. Why is she not old? Your mom had only one uncle who is older than her father.
Dr Anjali: She is the youngest. She is just 41years old.
Dr Juhi: What were are parents doing having sex at that old age?

Dr Anjali: It is a long story.
She laughed. They ended their whisper.
Dr Bani was getting too close to Dr Shashank. He was oblivious to it but Dr Juhi was getting upset. She pulled Dr Bani back.
Dr Juhi: I am sorry but you have to go.
Dr Bani: Excuse me. Who do you think you are?
Dr Juhi: I am the chief of surgery and his neurosurgeon.

Dr Bani: I am sure you received your degree from some cheap ass school in India. I studied abroad. I will do his check-up.
Dr Juhi: It was nice to hear your life story. You can get out now.
Dr Asha chuckled.
Dr Bani: Shassy, tell her to leave.
She wrapped her hands around his neck.

Dr Shashank made a face to Dr Juhi. He did not want Dr Bani to make a scene. He knew that Dr Juhi was wiser. It was not about wisdom for Dr Juhi. Dr Bani was getting to close to her man. Yes, her man. Dr Shashank was hers in every sense of it.

Dr Anjali: Let us go. Dr Bani will take care of it.
Dr Juhi stormed out angry. She went to her bathroom to cool off.
She splashed water on her face.

I am going to deal with that arrogant little b*tch. Who does she think she is? Superficial monkey balulu. I am going to show her. And Shashank, you want to spend time with your little doctor, I will deal with you. I will cut the little hair that has grown.

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