❇ Chapter 23

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After, Juhi and Shashank said their byes to the organizers they flew back home.

Hours Later.


Dr Juhi: Who is coming to pick us up?
Dr Shashank: I think Anjali.
They got their bags and went outside. Anjali had sent their driver.

They didn't pay attention to it and entered the car. He drove them home.

The Gupta Residence.

Dr Juhi left Dr Shashank and the driver outside. She was excited to show Anjali the things she had bought for her. She bought her this wonderful dress and also some things to use to decorate the house she buys with Vardhan. She dragged that little box inside the house.

Dr Juhi: Anjali.
She ran to hug her. Anjali wasn't in the mood. She pushed Juhi away. Juhi didn't pay mind and dragged her to the box. She opened it.

Dr Juhi: I have bought you nice things to decorate your house with Vardhan. You helped me decorate my house in Pune and I wanted to help my best friend.

Dr Anjali looked at her with hurt, anger and disappointment. But why? Doesn't Juhi have the right to fall in love or make love to any man she chooses to? She does! But it still hurts.

Dr Juhi showed Anjali all those things with excitement. She explained everything and her ideas. She pulled Anjali down to a squat with her and see the things. Anjali removed her hand causing Juhi to fall on her butt.

She stood up.
Dr Juhi: What is wrong with you?
Dr Anjali: You are wrong with me.
Dr Juhi: Awwn, you missed me.
She moved to hug her but Anjali gave her three tight slaps. Juhi was in shock.

~~~ Shashank raised his voice when he saw the sight.

Dr Juhi: I'm sorry for being too excited. You can check them later.
She thought maybe it was because of her overexcitement. She wasn't just thinking.

Dr Anjali: I don't want anything from a filthy woman like you!
The driver dropped the boxes in the house. Dr Shashank dismissed him.

Why are you talking to your best friend like this?
~~~ Dr Shashank asked walking close to the girls.

Is she my friend? This characterless woman! She slept with my father! Her Goddamn teacher!
~~~ Anjali screamed.

She got pictured and threw it at them.

Dr Juhi: A- Anjali. I- I was going to tell you...
She was interrupted. Anjali shook her.
Dr Anjali: Tell me what? That you slept with my father. You whore.
Dr Shashank pulled her away from Juhi.

Dr Shashank: Respect yourself. Don't insult Juhi like that.
He hugged Dr Juhi after wiping her tears. He pats her hair. She cried in his arms.

How shameless can you be Juhi? You are embracing my dad in my front.
~~~ she pulled Juhi away from Shashank and gave her another slap.

Dr Shashank slapped Anjali.

You will respect Juhi and she is the love of my life. We were going to tell you everything today but I guess someone beat us to it.
~~~ Dr Shashank said.

You slapped me because of this bitch. Seriously dad. You have to choose, either I live this house or she does.
~~~ Anjali said.

Juhi shook her head. She didn't want it to get this way. She didn't want to ruin Shashank and Anjali's relationship.

I will go.
~~~ Dr Juhi said.

Dr Shashank stopped her.

Anjali can move in with her boyfriend. I'm sure she won't mind.
~~~ Dr Shashank said.

Juhi and Anjali weren't expecting this.

I can't let you do this Shashank. I will go. I'm sorry Anjali.
~~~ Dr Juhi said.

She let go of Shashank's hand. She dragged her boxes back to the car.

Are you happy? Clap for yourself. Stay alone in this house. I am going after her. I love her Anjali. I am sorry if you don't like it but she is my woman now.
~~~ he takes his boxes in his car. He drives trying to follow her.

It was raining heavily. He couldn't see Juhi's car.


Juhi had been crying as she drove out of the house. Rahul's men hit the car making her go unconscious. They carried out of the car and left her things there.

The men carried her to the abandoned studio. She was tied to a chair. Dr Rahul splashed water on her face and she woke up.

What the hell.
~~~ she shouted. 

Hello ex-wife. How is your day?
~~~ He smiled.

Rahul, why do you have me tied up?
~~~ she asks.

I am going to punish you for falling for Dr Shashank.
~~~ Rahul says.

You are sick in the head. You are the one that wanted to divorce.
~~~ Juhi shouts.

But I want you now.
~~~ he leans into her and kisses her.

She moved her head together. He forcefully kissed her and she bit his lips hard. He slapped her. How many times would this poor woman be slapped?

I will hurt you if you disrespect me.
~~~ Rahul said.


Dr Siddhant was in a rickshaw going home. He saw Juhi's car. He came down and saw that the car was forcefully opened.

He called her. Juhi's phone was on vibration in her kurta. She could feel it. She squirmed trying to see if she could answer it.

Dr Siddhant called Dr Shashank and told him. They agreed to meet at a police station.

Police: She hasn't been missing for a few hours, we can't start searching.
Dr Shashank: Are you mad? The window of the car and the door damaged.

Dr Siddhant: I will call the police commissioner.
Police: Sir, we will go out and look for her.
The Sanjivani staff were informed. The people not on shift came out to search for her. Anjali found out about it.

Oh my God, Juhi was kidnapped.
~~~ Anjali says.


Juhi and Shashank laid in bed together.

Dr Juhi: I had to walk very long to find you.
Dr Shashank: Let's use this location app to connect our phones.
Dr Juhi: Oh yes. Give me your phone.

She collected his phone and set it up so that the could always find each other easily.


💫 What did you think?

💫 Did Anjali overdo it?

💫 I hope Dr Juhi is found.

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