Chapter 1

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"Please Grace!" Ryan whined. I scrunched up my face. "Why the hell would I want to travel around America in a bus full of sweaty grown men?" I cried. He chuckled and pulled my arm, dragging me into a hug. "Because you love me me?" He giggled. I huffed and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I hate you sometimes" I mumbled. He scoffed and let go. "Go pack, we leave tomorrow" he shouted running off. Douche.


"Grace, hurry up!" Ryan screamed. I rolled my eyes and quickly finished up my Cancer Stick. "I'm coming, hold ya horses" I boomed. I quickly sprayed on my deodorant to cover up the smell before running downstairs.

"You ready kiddo?" Ryan teased. I glared and shoved past him. I'll shank him. I dragged myself out the door leaving Ryan to lock it. "We're the first on the bus!" Ryan cheered. I shook my head and went to very back of the bus. "Ry-Ry I'm having the back bedroom" I called. I heard his footsteps. "That's usually Ronnie's room..." He mumbled. I shrugged my shoulders. "So? I'm a girl and I need my own little place!" I huffed. He shook his head and sighed. "It's your funeral" he grunted.

*Alright, first chapter! gracieluvsBENBRUCE *

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