A Hopeful Encounter.

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- note from the creator; Hello! This is my first time writing something on here, so enjoy! This is a Nagito x reader one shot. I don't think this will get a lot of views or anything, because I'm mostly just doing this for sh/ts and giggles, In this story you are Y/N.. the ultimate psychic. Thank you for reading! -

"Ah, good morning,"

You mumble to yourself while getting out of bed. You knew it was going to be a good morning because you were the Ultimate Psychic. You stretched your arms then changed your clothes and left your cabin.

You decided to not meet up with everyone and eat today, because you weren't hungry. 'I'll eat later,' you thought. While you were walking to the beach, you hear someone in the distance. You expected this, though you don't know who is exactly calling for you.

"Hello Y/N, it's good to see you!"

You jump a little bit before responding with "O-oh hey Nagito."
'Him of all people had to talk to me, he's-' your train of thought gets interrupted by, in your opinion, his soothing but rusted voice.
"Y/N, I know a scum like me shouldn't be talking to you, but did you eat breakfast?" He had asked while smiling sweetly.

You were caught off guard. You had predicted for him to talk about hope, not about breakfast. You weren't too surprised, though it did flatter you a little when he asked if you ate. You thought he cared.

"Hello..? Y/N?"

You jumped again before responding with
"Yes I ate breakfast, w-wait no I didn't, but um.. please don't worry about me, Nagito."
You didn't know why your mind kept going blank.. and that feeling in your stomach, it was like.. butterflies? 'No way! I think this guy is a weirdo, I mean all he did is ask about you, you can't fall for a guy that easily. Especially a guy like him.' When you finished thinking you looked up and saw his comforting smile again.

"Y/N, you know, you're kind of cute like this."

He said that while having that same soft smile he had on the whole time.
"That's not like you at all!"
You quickly said before blushing.

"Yes, yes I know. I was just joking."
He said politely.

You weren't happy with that joke, because you could feel your face getting  hot. Though, you haven't felt like this before and you enjoyed it.
You looked up more, to see his flowing white hair you wish you could run your hands threw. Suddenly, you wish what he had said wasn't a joke.

"Well, I'm gonna go now, Y/N. Please know I love you and that I had a great conversation with you today, you're a hope that shines brighter than anyone else's here."
"Wait you love m-"
He interrupted you with a soft hug, and left.

You were right,
you did have a good morning.

-Thank you for reading! I'll make more if you want, I was just playing around on this app.
-Love Miss Writer.

Nagito x Reader one shot    'A Day on the Beach.'Where stories live. Discover now