chapter 22: Repeat After Pansy

Start from the beginning

"I thought you two graduated!" Harry scowled, his face beet red.

"Aw, leave 'em alone, Harry! Malfoy barely used a sentence and got you rock hard." Ron rolled his eyes.

"Incorrect. Looks just semi-hard." Dean Thomas re-informed, peeking under the quilt.

"What's happening down here?" Hermione yawned, walking down the stairs.

"Draco got Harry hard." George murmured.

"But that's only because Harry's easy." Ron corrected, attempting to protect his best friend's reputation.

"I love your friends." Draco whispered into Harry's ear as the squad bickered about wether or not Harry could be considered somewhat slutty.

"Shove off." Potter blushed.

"Shit. Friends." The blonde mentally slapped himself. Blaise, and Pansy.

"Looks, I've got to go."


When Draco got back to his Dormitory he found Blaise sitting in his chair, in the middle of their dorm. He looked like a ghoul. He had bags under his already droopy eyes, and his hair was messy. His clothes were wrinkled from him sleeping in them, and he looked slightly deceased.

"B-Blaise?" Malfoy whispered, somewhat fearfully.

Zabini blinked, rubbing his eyes, "I waited up... for you..." He yawned, and dived into his bed, "I'm... mm... going to... kill you... after this short.... break..."

What a gem, that Blaise.

Pansy wasn't so forgiving. She made Draco sit down and tell her everything in detail. He tried to ignore the fact that he was most definitely missing his classes.

"So all of that, and you haven't even kissed him yet?!"

"Pans, I take things slow."

"Do you even want to kiss him?" She pestered, crossing her arms in discontentment.

"Of course I do, but I don't want to scare him off."

"He bloody wanks to you, I think he'd appreciate a peck."

"Who told you that?" The blonde turned scarlet.

"Draco, you dumb fuck! The headlines read 'Potter accused of wanking to some mysterious bird!' The person isn't a bird, it's a bloke!' 'Potter reveals himself as gay!' 'Potter has been spending abnormal amounts of time with his former enemy, and now friend. Is it more than just a friend? Is his new relationship with Draco Malfoy just an excuse for angry sex? Find out tonight at the season's premiere of the celebrities tell all!'" Pansy scowled, "Draco, it's obviously you that his heart is throbbing for. As well as his cock."

The blonde felt his shoulders slouch. Maybe Harry wasn't the daft one. Maybe it was Draco. Why didn't he see it before?

"Now, are you going to go out there and kiss your man?"


"It was a powerful moment and you bloody deny me of that pleasure?!"

"I'm going to go out there and ask him to be my boyfriend."

"Officially? As in "Hey, Hogwarts I'm dating a male?""

The blonde nodded.

"That means that... your parents will find out."

"I'm aware. I'm tired of hiding my true colors."

"It's not like your colors are rainbow. Even though you're gay, your designated color remains black." Pansy stated.

"Right you are."

"Repeat after me; I like cock!"

There was no point in fighting Pansy on anything, so Draco repeated after her without question, "I like cock!"

"I like Harry's ass!"

"I like Harry's ass!"

"I like fucking Harry!"

"I love holding Harry's hand and holding him close to me. I love watching his facial expressions and hearing his laugh." Draco's lips parted in realization, "Damnit, Pans... I love Harry."

Parkinson blinked, "That's all fine and dandy but let's get to the point "I like fucking Harry!"" She blinked, eyes widening, "YOU LOVE HIM?!"

"Yeah. I bloody love that boy."

"Go tell him, you bloody idiot! Tell him you love him, ask him to be official, and fuck the shit out of him!"

"You know what? I will!"


Harry was outside the entrance to the Great Hall, and waiting for Draco. He had received a letter earlier that day saying,

"Dear Harry,

Please meet me by the Great Hall, for dinner. I have some important news.


Of course, Harry had happily obliged. But the blonde was nowhere to be seen. Potter had considered that maybe... maybe Draco had stood him up.

When all hope had been diminished, Harry felt a cold hand wrap around his mouth, and hold him close. Harry relaxed, until he noticed the skin tone of the hand. It wasn't the fair, flawless skin he was used to. It was darker.

The raven-haired boy let out a muffled shriek against the stranger's grasp, as he tried to escape this person's clutches. He finally managed to escape, and ran down the corridor.

"You can run, but you can't hide!" A familiar voice echoed down the corridors, making the Gryffindor's heart pound incessantly.

He considered screaming. Surely that would get a passerby's attention. But as hard as he tried to call for help, no sound came out.

As he began to turn around, he found himself in the clutches of his attacker.

"Hush, Harry." A voice spoke, full of calmness among the calamity.

The raven-haired boy was appearated somewhere dark and grim, and whipped around. It was at this time that he managed to catch a glimpse of who it was, "Y-You?!"

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