Chapter thirty- MeGgY?

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(A/N Kind of a crappy filler chapter :/ Also look at that cool Photorealism drawing I did in art class [I'm very proud] Its Hamilton if ya didn't know ^^^)

I randomly switched my hair's colors as I twined my finger around a loose strand of my hair. I was just sitting at a table at breakfast, catching up on life with James. We where the only two here this morning so far, so it was nice to talk alone. He was currently telling his life story.

"Once Pops found out, he was pushing me all the time. Like 'Now turn into this person' or 'Change your skin to this color' or 'Make your hand rock-hard'," James said, moving his hands around while he talked. 

"Sounds annoying," I commented.

"Yeah. Anyway, so then my father was going to a conference with Mr.Washing-whatever, and I was left home alone. He had given me homework, like how I should practice with my Meta powers that day, but I was feeling rebellious," James continued.

"Oh no," I chuckled.

"So I jumped out of the window. I wanted to see Naomi again, you see. So I walked into the park and found them there. So we talked and took in the view. Apparently they had FIVE other boyfriends? They like to joke that two of them where beheaded for some reason. Anyway, I wanted to get home before curfew, or before Pops got back, so I said goodbye, but..." James hesitated for a second.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, Naomi wanted to climb a tree. And there so beautiful I just couldn't say no. So we ran across the field and climbed up the tree together," James said.

"Aaaand you fell?" I asked as John came over to join us. A second later Aaron and Angelica sat down too.

"No, they did," James said, a frown forming on his face.

"Who did?" John asked.

"Naomi Rodriguez," I informed him. "His childhood crush."

"Ahh," John said, instantly understanding.

"And then I wen't to get them, and turns out they broke there arm," James continued.

"Oh no," Aaron sympathized.

"So, of course, Pops found out. That's why I was locked in my room for three days. Anyway, end of backstory, back to what I was saying," James said.

He continued on and on. Until Lafayette/dad came over. He plopped down across from me and stared at me and James.

"Are you guys okay?" He asked both of us.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, more importantly.

"As long as my sons are okay," Lafayette said, completely serious.

"Well I'm fine, James was telling me about his tragic love life, but we're okay. How's Hercules?" I asked.

"Better then me, although, he was accidentally put on some strong drugs. He's still in the hospital wing... going all crazy. Although, I got an epic battle scar," Lafayette said, holding up his left hand, which was missing a index finger.

"At least its not your thumb," Angelica pointed out, Lafayette shrugged.

"Battle scar? More like 'You where being stupid and forgot gloves' scar," John snorted and I laughed a bit.

"Hah, now you look like a cartoon character. They all have four fingers," Peggy said, jumping onto her seat next to Angelica and Eliza. 

Peggy then suspiciously stood up and walked away. What the heck, Peggy?

"What was that about?" James asked, everyone just shrugged.

Although, while the others continued to talk, I followed Peggy with my eyes. She headed out of the hall. I quietly stood up and ran after her. I'm not really stalking... just being a caring and worried friend. Right?

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