Chapter 25: Settling Old Scores

Start from the beginning

Our conversation is immediately halted when Chibi barks before the ship shakes all of a sudden. It doesn't take long to notice that the pirates of the Black Pearl are firing cannons at us. We all struggle to hold on, while Will accidentally falls overboard.

"Will!" Elizabeth exclaims, worried.

"Everyone hit the deck!" Goofy screams, right before the ship is shaken by another cannonball.

"What do we do, mieu!? I can't swim!" Mieu screams.

"I don't see that as problem for you, seeing as how you can obviously fly above water," Okita points out, trying to regain his balance.

I carefully get up and notice the medallion on the floor. Not sure what else to do, I pick up the medallion and place it in one of my pockets for safe-keeping.

"Looks like we don't have any other choice. We're going to have to fight!" I exclaim.

"Seems that way. Get the cannons ready!" Hijikata orders.

"Aye-aye!" Donald, Goofy and Mieu exclaim in sync, giving Hijikata a solute, while Chibi lets out a confident bark.

Harada grabs the wheel and turns the ship around, so that we're facing the Black Pearl. Once both ships are facing each other from the side, the pirates use ropes to swing onto the Interceptor. It's times like this that make me glad to know that most of my friends are skilled with swords. But even so, the fight was quite hectic, considering how desperate the pirates are on getting their hands on the medallion.

Will told us what he learned from Elizabeth about what these pirates' true goal is. That's how we know that they're after this medallion. But even if we were to give it to them peacefully, I doubt they'd let us live, especially since they keep trying to fire their cannons at us. We try to fire back at them with our own cannons, giving the Black Pearl some damage.

"STOP BLOWIN' HOLES IN MY SHIP!" I hear a familiar voice yell out.

(I don't know about you guys, but that makes me laugh no matter how many times I see or hear it, LOL)

"Jack?" I ask, surprised to hear his voice.

Did they take him prisoner?

I don't have much time to think about it when another pirate comes at me, making me change into my wisdom form as quickly as possible to take out the pirate. I'm not sure how much longer we were at it, but we eventually defeated the pirates. It was plain as day that we had won since smoke keeps rising from the Black Pearl.

"Hurray!" Donald cheers.

"We beat the pirates!" Heisuke exclaims with a smile.

"Well, did you now, laddie?" a voice asks.

We all turn around to see that some of the pirates made it onboard. Not only that, but they also have Elizabeth and Jack held captive.

"Jack! Elizabeth!" I exclaim with worry.

"Dammit! They've got us surrounded!" Nagakura exclaims as more pirates show up, trapping us.

"Now then, I'll be having back that medallion," the pirate captain, Barbossa, says with a confident smile. When we refuse to back down, Barbossa takes a couple steps closer to us. "Unless it's more important than their lives?"

"Barbossa!" a familiar voice shouts out. We look towards the source to see that Will is somehow alive. He points a pistol at Barbossa. "She goes free!"

Kingdom Hearts 2: 2nd sequel to the Legendary 8th Princess of HeartWhere stories live. Discover now