Chapter 1: The Library

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Hinata ran home from school, desperately trying to escape the forthcoming rain. "Kageyamaaaa," he shouted. "What? Like this is my fault?! You're the one who asked me to set to you for two hours!" Kageyama replied. "Ugh, whatever." Hinata said as he turned the corner towards his home, "See ya later!" "Bye dumbass," His friend responded.

He just barely made it inside before it started raining. He greeted his mom, ate dinner, showered, and went to sleep.

~time skip: next day after school~

"Huhh?! We don't have volleyball today? What am I going to do?" Hinata said. Suga, his upperclassman, answered, "No, that's been on the calendar for weeks! Maybe you could study for your upcoming exam. 👀" "Oh... right.." Hinata responded, dejectedly. "There's a new library in Tokyo, it's supposed to be huge. Maybe you could check it out?" "Uwaah?! Really! Will they have books about volleyball?" Suga chuckled and walked home, leaving Hinata to decide what to do with his afternoon.

Hinata biked to the train station with ferocity. Studying doesn't seem like it'd be the most exciting thing, but Hinata could make it seem that way. Rounding the last corner, he went inside and bought his tickets. "One round trip ticket, please!" He inquired the saleswoman. "Coming right up." Tickets in hand, The orange haired boy boarded the train. He was off to Tokyo.

The train ride was peaceful. Not much really happened. He ran into Yachi, but she seemed to be in a hurry. Off to a cafe of some sort. At least that's what he deciphered through her blabbering. "To meet Kiyoko, maybe?" He teased the blond girl. Soon after, she got off at her stop. The rest of the ride was quiet.

~time skip: at the library~

He walked in the doors, taking in the smell of books. It was quiet, despite being packed full of people. To be expected of a library, he thought; cold, as well. He passed by a few tables and counted them and the people sitting at them. One, a boy with a blond undercut. He had his tongue out in concentration. From that, Hinata observed he had a tongue piercing. Cool. Two and three, no one was sitting there. Four, someone with hair that stood up. You could see his black roots and frosted tips. Hinata could practically smell all the hair gel. Five, a boy with bi-color hair the color of pudding. He was rather cute, Hinata thought. He made his way to his own personal workspace and sat down. Desk #6. Next to the pretty boy.

a/n; I wanted to end this chapter where we meet the pretty boy, but I figured a short chapter would be better than to force the story to be super long. It's the first chapter, after all. Since so much time had passed in time skips, it felt more reasonable to just end it here. Hope that's ok!

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