2. Observation: The Storm

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However, as he continued, you found you had the wrong idea.

"I've never seen you around before, and I tend to know people in Mondstadt. Cue my surprise when I saw an unknown girl on the roof of Dawn Winery."

"Oh, of course..." For a moment you felt stupid, but got yourself together quickly. "I actually just arrived here in Mondstadt. Well, my father and I."

The man finally sat down on the bench and you followed his motion. The atmosphere was a lot more comfortable in seconds.

"You're here on vacation?" he asked you. 

"Kind of," you admitted to him. "My father grew up here, he was a good friend of Master Crepus. He wanted to show me his birthplace."

"Oh really? Then for you it is the first time here in Mond?"

"Yes, exactly. So far, I'm loving it here, though!"

"I'm glad! How long are you staying for?" he continued his questions. "Depending on the duration I can recommend you a lot of things to experience here, Miss...? ."

He was asking for your name, you realized, and you gave it to him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he said and took your hand to shake it.

"And who do I have the honor of dealing with?" you asked in return, to finally know his name.

"Cavalry Captain, Kaeya Alberich, is my name. Whatever your troubles may be, as a Knight of Favonius I will be sure to help!"

With a very exaggerated hand gesture and bow of his upper body, he introduced himself to you. His action, obviously completely over the top, made you giggle. "And just to let you know, if your concern is where to find the best wine, I am the most suitable contact name!"

"Oh, that is good to know," you mused. "But I have to admit that I will probably not come back to that offer, seeing as I am staying at a winery."

"That might be true, but sometimes one likes a change of scenery."

As if he knew of the effect it would have on you, he winked at you. It was in such a likeable way, though, you couldn't help but giggle at his obvious flirting. It was too obvious for your taste, though.

"Now, how much time do I have to make your acquaintance?"

After this following question, deep down you couldn't shake the feeling that he was back at interrogating you.

"Well..." you answered carefully. "I don't know yet. My father has to go back home, but I'm not required to. "

Despite being a little bit wary, you were being truthful. Maybe that, too, was the effect he had on you.

"Ahh, so you plan on staying? At the winery?"

"Yes." You looked away, focusing your gaze on the mosaic on the stone floor. A silence of a few seconds arose.

"You're being married off."

He caught you off guard, again. It should stop surprising you by this point. You faced him, mouth slightly agape, stunned that he had actually managed to read the situation this well.

"I see," he chuckled; your reaction obviously confirmed his theory. "I guess in other parts of Teyvat this is still common, then."

You decided not to deny the truth, what good was there to it anyway?

"It's not common here?" you questioned. This was actually new information to you. Kaeya's reaction was another one of those bright laughs.

"Mondstadt is the City of Freedom. What did you expect?" He was shaking his head at your lack of knowledge... "People here are allowed to choose their future themselves."

"Hm." Your reaction was brusque and your eyes studied the small stones again.

"What is it, little miss?" Kaeya asked. "Do you envy that freedom?"

You could almost hear the sly smirk adoring his face when he spoke those words, the phrases that were obviously trying to coax you to disobey your father. This man was obviously a troublemaker.

You chuckled at his attempt of which the weakness he didn't know. Your mind had been made up since a long time.

"I don't envy it," you answered, looking him straight into the eyes this time. "My father has surely chosen a good man for me. Both he and my father will benefit from this arrangement, and I will benefit as well. It is alright like this."

Kaeya's confusion was well hidden, you still saw it in his eyes though. He continued his questions.

"What if you don't like him?"

"My father knows me well," you stated, absolutely sure. "He made the right decision."

"So you want to spend your whole life with a man you don't even know yet?"

"Yes." Without a blink.

"What about love?"

A bitter laugh escaped you, there wasn't anything more to your answer. But Kaeya hadn't finished yet.

"Do you really want to marry someone you don't love?" he asked you.

"Yes." Again, calmly. With a pinch in your heart you looked up at the sky.


"Because it is better like that. It's easier."


"I do not want to love. "

You cut yourself off from saying any more, to stop yourself from revealing more of your inner turmoil. This had already been too much. Even though you appeared completely calm, your arms were shaking, your clenched your fists and your palms hurt from your nails being pressed into your flesh.

Do not think back, you told yourself. Do not think back. Just stay calm. Breathe.

The silence lingering in the air was broken by Kaeya, "Who-", but again you interrupted his sentence.

"You have already made me tell you more than is your business, Sir Kaeya," you stated in an overly polite manner. "It's getting late. My father is waiting for me."

With a final nod to him you grabbed your bag and walked away 

His flirt you had seen through, but still his demeanour had lulled you into lowering your guard and had opened you up for his interrogation. He really did get under your skin.

Kaeya stood up, walked to the railing and watched you leave.

"That's pretty sad, little miss," he muttered to himself. "But it seems you have managed to grip my interest."

Just in time, you had arrived back at the city gates. Adelinde had already put all of the groceries into the carriage and had been ready to leave when you had jumped in with a swift motion. She had just shaken her head at you.

Your father was already waiting for you at the winery.

"Sweetie," he welcomed you back. "Please go up to your room, take a bath and put on some nice clothes. Master Diluc has arranged a dinner!"

This day didn't seem to give you a break.

Paradoxon [Kaeya x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora