Part 2 | Do I know you?

Start from the beginning

Madi POV

  Right after Lexa said that, she had a vision, of just before stabbing herself. She saw her telling Clarke she loves her. "I love you Clarke." "Madi? Madi? NO NO NO!" Clarke screamed after her. After seeing that one memory Madi remembered it all. She remembered meeting Clarke and going to whole different planet. She remembered becoming Heda and fighting a battle. She remembered all the commanders memories. She remembered how much Clarke loved Lexa and how she was always sad without her. She remembered it all and never wanted to forget. Now it was her time to tell Lexa a story.

"And that's the last time I saw her." Madi said. She noticed Lexa looking sad, which was weird because she didn't know that she was capable of feeling anything really. "What's wrong?" She asked. Lexa couldn't say anything because she was to focused on not letting herself cry. As Lexa wiped the tears from her eyes she looked up at her, her voice breaking because she was crying so much. "I'm just so glad that she's okay. I'm really thankful that she has you." Madi looked at Lexa sympathetically. "You know what... to hell with all of this." Madi said sternly. Lexa wiping the tears from her eyes looked up at Madi with a look of confusion plastered across her face. "We are going to find her!!! The both of us... we will meet her again!" Madi said sounding extremely confident. Lexa looked at her with a blank stare. "How are we even going to do that?" Madi thought to herself for a moment. "I have an idea

Lexa POV

She was still confused about how this was going to work after all she really knew nothing about tech or anything like that. "Alright so what we will do is, when Cadogan finds you in my memories, I will start fighting the M-cap and he will think he has found the person he has been looking for. Once Levitt puts your picture into hologram mode, the City of Light mainframe will break through their mainframe. Once the mainframe has been broken into, you will take this old City of Light chip and you will be teleported from here in the flame into the M-cap room. After that it's all about stopping Cadogan and finding Clarke." Madi explained the plan in great detail, leaving Lexa a little confused but she would never admit that. The two walked through their plan a few more times until they got it down. Madi looked at Lexa with a sad look in her eyes. "What?" Lexa said in response to Madi looking at her like that. "Nothing. It- it's just that you do know you will be here by yourself for weeks or even months, before you get brought to M-cap?" Lexa had a very mild reaction on her face. 95% of the time it was impossible to tell what she's feeling just by looking at her. "I know believe me I know Madi, but I will do whatever it takes to get back to Clarke. Plus it gives me a few months to train and get back into fighting shape." Lexa said. Madi gave a slight nod of acknowledgment. Now it was just a waiting game. Madi could be sucked back into M-cap at any moment and for Cadogan it would have just seemed like Madi had only been gone a few seconds. The two eventually went to sleep for the night.

  Lexa had been woken from her sleep by the sound of Madi screaming. She ran over to Madi knowing that this was it. It was time, time to find her true love... and punch a few bad guys in the process. "Alright Madi you got this okay we both know the plan." Lexa said trying to calm her down. The pain Madi had was lasting for a long time so Lexa decided sit with her and hold her so she wouldn't be afraid. "You're okay. You're okay my little NatBlida. We will find Clarke I know we will." Lexa whispered into Madi's ear to try and calm her down. Lexa gave Madi a light kiss on her forehead and held her and rocked her until she went back to

  After about 2 minutes of Madi being in pain Lexa saw a bright green light all around Madi, the light left quickly and Madi with it. Lexa was at a loss of words, she didn't know what had just happened. Lexa just sat there for hours she couldn't move. Once the sun came up she knew it was time to start her training. She packed up her things and took Madi's drawings with her. She went looking around the city to see if she could find anything that would help her train. She came upon the stairs where she had rescued Clarke. She tried not to think about it as she walked down the stairs. She found a few items in stores that would help her, now she just needed to set up her camp as well as find some food. She hadn't eaten in the 132 years that she has been in the City of light. She couldn't die in the City of Light or feel pain so who cares if she's a little hungry. But now she had to eat in order to get stronger and to help Madi but most importantly to find Clarke.

Hi everyone, It's me HedaCanaryTargaryen or some may know me as McKenzy. Either way I just wanted to apologize for how long this took me to get out. I just haven't had the motivation to work on this, which really sucks because I actually really enjoy writing. Anyway I probably will make 3-4 more chapters and each chapter will be longer than the last. As always there may be punctuation and or grammatical errors so there's that haha. Be sure to let me know if you have any advice. And.... Yeah that's all I have for this chapter going to go proofread like 50 times before I publish it but I hope you enjoyed.

P.S: I really enjoyed writing the bond between Madi and Lexa, and I look forward to writing more with them. Now don't worry we will be getting more characters in the upcoming chapters so stay tuned!
Sincerely, HedaCanaryTargaryen

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