Part 2 | Do I know you?

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Lexa POV

Location: City of Light

Lexa heard the girl mumble something under her breath. "Clarke" the girl said. "Where did you learn that name?" She said. "I don't know it just popped into my head. Do you know someone named Clarke?" The girl asked. Lexa smiled trying to hold back tears. "Yeah, she's the most important person in my life." She said. She put her swords on her back and went to shake the girls hand. "Hi I'm Lexa." She said trying to keep a smile on her face even though she had lost all hope. The girl goes to shake her hand "Hi I'm Madi" When the two shook hands Madi jumped a bit. "What's wrong? Are you okay." Asked Lexa. "Yeah I'm fine I just had more visions." The girl seemed scared and confused. "What were your visions about?" Lexa asked. "You" Madi said. "What do you mean me? What about me?" She asked looking increasingly confused. "I mean I see you, it's like I'm living parts of your life." Madi said. Lexa was a little suspicious but she decided to play along anyway. "Okay well... what do you see?" She said. Madi paused for a minute trying to think of the right words to say. "Umm I see a lot of people gathered at like an event in a city, and all of them are watching you fight this guy to the death." Madi said. Lexa smiled. "I guess you do know me." Madi let out a small little chuckle.

  As they walked down the hallway towards the city, Lexa noticed something when Madi moved her hair out of her face. "What is that on the back of your neck?" She said trying to seem hopeful. "What are you talking about?" Madi said. When madi touched her neck she felt a scar and immediately went into another vision. Madi started to pass out from all the information going into her head at once. Lexa managed to catch her before her head hit the cement. Lexa started carrying her as she went to look for a building where they could sit down for a little bit until Madi woke up. Lexa hadn't left that hallway where she last saw Clarke for 132 years. She was afraid if Clarke came back and she wasn't there she might of thought she had died. The aspect of time in the City of Light was quite different then it was on Earth so she had only aged about 6 years. Lexa was surprised to see that the city looked pretty much exactly the same. She found an RV on the road and decided to sit in there till Madi woke up.

Location: Random RV in CoL

After she had successfully broken into a random RV, she laid Madi down on the bed and started to look around. She checked all the cupboards and didn't find much, however she did find a piece of paper and a pencil. She decided to write Clarke a letter in case she came back.
   To my beloved Clarke,                   
  I write this while sitting in a random RV in the City of Light babysitting this kid named Madi. I have a theory about who she is but I will know more when I talk to her. I have no idea how long it has been on your end but for me it has been 132 years. However, due to time dilation I have only aged about 6 of those years. Until then, I want you to know that I have faith that we will meet again.
                 Love, Lexa
When she finished writing her letter she decided to sleep until Madi woke up, because she hasn't had much in her time here. When she woke up Madi was awake and was drawing on more of the paper that Lexa had found. "What are you doing?" Lexa asked sleepily. "I'm drawing all of my visions so I don't forget them. I keep seeing the visions and forgetting." Madi said scraping the pencil across the page so fast that it's shaking the table. Lexa stood up and walked over to Madi to look and see what Madi was drawing, and that's when she saw it... The Flame. Lexa then scoffed in disbelief. "You're a Commander!" Madi looked at her confused. "A what?" Lexa looked at her with her little half smile. "Well it's a long story but I'll explain."

"And that's when I met Clarke. We didn't hit it off at first, in fact she murdered her boyfriend so my people didn't torture and kill him. But over all we worked it out." Lexa says. Madi sitting there with a confused look on her face. "Wait... so... basically you murdered her boyfriend through her, and then you stole his girlfriend and dated her." Lexa sits there with a shocked looked on her face. "Okay well when you put it like that it doesn't sound good." Lexa continues telling Madi what had happened. Right up until the part where Clarke left. "And right before she left... she told me she loved me." Lexa looked up trying to hold back her tears.

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