"The faucet in my apartment isn't working, do you know where I could get it fixed around here?" [Daniel asked, changing the subject from his own homesickness and sadness of how his first two days in the valley had gone. Scarlette looks over to the closet/office area beside the patio, she sighs quietly and Daniel notices her change in mood] "What?" [Daniel asked, generally confused as to why his question or the thought of it would make Scarlette upset]

"N-nothing- it's nothing." [Scarlette said with a small shake of her head. She closes her eyes for a moment then looks back up at Daniel] "Mr. Miyagi's your guy, he's in there." [Scarlette points at Mr. Miyagi's office]

"Thanks-" [Daniel said with a slightly confused tone as notices Scarlette's acting off] "Are you alright?" [Daniel asks with a confused squint and tilt of his head, putting his hand on his hip and the other hand in his hair]

"Yeah. I'm good." [She says with slight aggression as she takes off Daniel's sunglasses and hands them to him]

"Ok.." [Daniel replies and looks at Scarlette with his hands in his pockets. She has dark reddish-brown eyes, chestnut perhaps- Daniel looked into them for a pause of time] "Your eye-"

"It feels better than it looks." [Scarlette said with still slight aggressiveness and cuts Daniel off- Daniel responds immediately]

"No," [Daniel responds with a small chuckle, as he almost forgot they both had black eyes] "I was saying that you have pretty eyes." [Daniel said with a genuine expression, not even a smirk. Scarlette bites her lip and chuckles, hiding her real smile and flatteredness]

"Nice moves. Where'd you learn 'em, Jersey?" [She said smirking and crossing her arms, she was smarter than her grades would lead you to believe. Daniel laughs and smiles widely at the girl]

"Yup." [Daniel said, making Scarlette laugh as well]

"It's cute." [She smirks again and pushes her curtain bang away from her face for Daniel to see her clearly, backing away and towards her door. Daniel's face reddens and he scratches his head bashfully]

"I-I'll see you around, Scar." [Daniel said, easing himself back] "I'm gonna go talk to the maintenance guy- Mr. Miyaji?"

"MiyaGi." [Scarlette corrects, still smirking at the boy across from her]

"R-right." [Daniel throws a goofy smile back and backs away to the stairs, putting his hand on the railing. They wave goodbye as Scarlette enters her apartment and Daniel walks into Mr. Miyagi's office. He opens the door to an old Okinawan man holding chopsticks and sitting with his back to the door]

"Hey, are you the maintenance guy? Mr. Miyagi?" [Daniel asked his his hand on the doorway, the old man sitting in front of him did not even flinch or turn to Daniel's presence]

"Ai." [He responded, clicking the chopsticks together as he attempted to catch the fly buzzing around the room]

"My faucet isn't working, apartment 2-D. Can you come fix it?" [Daniel asked, it seemed to him that the maintenance man wasn't doing anything majorly important- just sitting around]

"I do it later." [the old man responded swiftly and calming, still now looking at Daniel]

"What a strange old man." [Daniel thought to himself before speaking aloud as he squinted with confusion and even annoyance] "Well, when's later?"

"Later, later." [he claps his chopsticks again, still not catching the fly. Daniel rolls his eyes impatiently and exits the office, now heading into his apartment. His mother sits while putting on a pair of earrings as she notices her son enter the room]

"Hey 'hon, how's the eye?" [Lucille greets her son as she puts on the second large earring]

"It's fine." [He replies in a somewhat solemn tone, closing the door behind him then walking over to his mother] "What'chu getting dressed up for, Ma?"

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