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"Oi, Jiro-nii, is table fours order ready yet?"

"Of course it is brat." Kojiro said with a slight scowl on his face. He slid the finished dish across the counter where you were waiting to make your decision.

You looked at the finished dish, making sure that it was prepared with the utmost perfection.

After making your decision, you nodded silently and pushed the finished dish over to the waiter. While doing so, you almost fell off your stool...again.

Chef Kojiro shook his head, a slight smile on his face. He was still amazed at how this little girl, who he had only met a year ago, had already taken over his kitchen.

Not to mention, this girl was only four years old.

Usually something like this would annoy him, but for Akiya, he would let it slide.

Especially since ever since he'd allowed you to work in the kitchen during open hours, he had been receiving great reviews about the quality of his food.

The child worked impossibly hard everyday, improving her style and cooking techniques.

Of course, it annoyed him to no end when the girl decided that French cooking wasnt 'her thing'. Then again, Akiya could easily rise to the top cooking in any style.

Now all I have to do is expand her knowledge a bit more and she will be able to surpass even the greatest chefs.


After moving to France after graduation, Kojiro Shinomiya had opened up his own restaurant, attempting to reach the top of the French culinary world.

He of course, brought Akiya with him, making sure that she was content living with him and helping him in his restaurant.

The annoyingly optimistic brat was of course, enthusiastic at the thought that she would be living with her new brother.

Uhhg. Whenever Akiya said something that had to do with him being her brother, he felt warm inside. This, of course annoyed and confused him profusely.

Maybe it was because he had never had a sibling, or the fact that the little brat reminded him of himself, but he found himself extremely connected to the little girl.

Unfortunately it was when he'd moved to France when Akiya decided that French cooking was not for her. Since he didn't want the little girl to annoy him because she was bored and had nothing to do, he bought her stacks of books about different cultures culinary techniques.

Then, he made sure to set up sessions with chefs around the world for her to watch and learn from.

Of course, each and every chef was slightly annoyed having to do something like letting a little girl watch them cook for a few hours a day. Well, at least they were at the beginning.

The majority of them received various comments on the ways they could improve their cooking from Akiya.

Let's just say that they didn't take it well and proceeded tell the four year old that she knew nothing about cooking. Then, the majority of them told her to make the dish that they had just cooked.

The cooks smirked waiting for the child to show them how little she knew about cooking, only to find that Akiya prepared and cooked the ingredients in a masterful way.

Plus while she cooked, she changed the dishes how she saw fit, making them better than the originals.

In the end, the majority of the chefs allowed Akiya to ask them questions about their cooking genre, and if she asked, they would demonstrate some different techniques.

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