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            Young Chef Shinomiya was not having a good day. First, Hanako was being especially obnoxious today, making him want to toss her out of the council room every ten seconds.

           Then, he found out that the restaurant that he had been managing in his spare time was having some trouble, and wanted him to make his way there immediately.

            Not to mention that his restaurant was on the other side of Tokyo, and, he still had plenty of work to do as the first seat in the Council of Ten.

Stupid food wars.

               It took everything inside of him to not fire everybody who worked under him. How is it possible that I happen to manage a restaurant where everybody is an idiot?

          I warned them that changing the menu to the degree of which they wanted to would scare away customers. But, did they listen? No, of course not! Nope, they just pretty much decided to throw all the work I did improving the place into the fire!

              Kojiro was so deep into his thoughts that he didn't even notice the little girl that was standing in his way as he exited the car.

       As he bumped into the child, causing her to fly back and land a few feet away, he was surprised to see the tears running down her face, and the angry look that she held in her eyes.

       This kid couldn't be more than four! Where are her parents?

Honestly, how could someone be so irresponsible as to leave their child alone, at night, in the middle off the city?! He though angrily looking down at the small child in front of him.

"Hey brat, what do you think you are doing out this late by yourself!?" He glared down at the little girl, impatient for her answer. He received one, but not the one he was expecting .

The girl glared up at him and snapped,

"How do you have the authority to call me a brat!? It's not my fault you weren't paying attention and ran into me!" She stood up, wiping her tears, and glared at the surprised teenager.

"How is it my fault that my parents decided to go off and get themselves killed, somehow forgetting that they had a little girl waiting for them to come home!" As she yelled the last part, Kojiro could feel himself growing to like this very interesting child.

         Deciding to place his work aside for a moment, he crouched down to the child and asked,

"Hey kid, how old are you?" She momentarily stopped glaring at him and held up four fingers while saying,

"I'm three, how about you old man?" This made Chef Kojiro laugh as the girl attempted to act tough. He grabbed her by her head and squeezed, making her squirm.

"Number one, I am not an old man, I'm 18. Number two, you're holding up the wrong amount of fingers." As he pointed this out to her, she looked at her hand and blushed at her mistake. She looked down for a second, seemingly embarrassed .

          When she looked back up again, her eyes were wide and innocent as she asked him the question that would change both of their lives.

"My name is Akiya Kirika, and at the moment, I don't have a family or a place and reason to live. Can you help me find one?"

       After she said those words, Kojiro Shinomiya could feel his heart break for Akiya. How is it possible for a little girl to have gone through so much without breaking?

Kojiro promptly flicked the girl in the forehead, making her jump in surprise. He turned his back to the girl and walked to the door of the restaurant, opening it. He turned to see Akiya staring at him with hurt in her eyes. He sighed.

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