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Ainsley sat up in Richard's bed still in her pajamas from the night before. Richard walked out of the bathroom with no shirt covering his strong chest. "Why are you making me stay in bed?" Ainsley asked and Richard walked over to the door, keeping his back to it.

"Wait," Richard said and Ainsley looked at him confused.

"If it's to stare at you shirtless, I could do this all day." Ainsley winked at him and Richard chuckled right when there was a knock on the door.

Richard opened the door, but not enough for Ainsley to see who it was. "I got it. Thank you." He clearly took something before shutting the door with his foot and turning around to show Ainsley the tray of breakfast he had.

"You really brought me breakfast?" Ainsley asked and Richard set the breakfast down on the coffee table by the couch.

"Well, I figured it was the least I could do." Richard walked over, sitting down on the bed next to her.

Ainsley lightly shook her head. "I told you that I was fine."

"I know, but he was still my family and there is no excuse for his behavior."

Ainsley smiled at him before reaching her hands out for him. "Come here." She put her hands on his cheek, kissing his lips before wrapping her arms around his neck. "It's sweet of you to worry about me." She spoke against his lips.

He looked into her eyes pecking her lips again. "I can't help it."

Richard pushed himself up onto his knees hovering over Ainsley, his lips against hers. Ainsley fell back onto the bed as she unbuttoned her pajama shirt. "Breakfast is going to get cold." Ainsley noted and Richard smiled down at her.

"I have exactly what I want to eat." Richard commented, making her laugh before leaving a trail of kisses down her body.


Ainsley walked outside, walking through the nice breeze before catching a glimpse of someone sitting outside on a bench. Ainsley stopped getting a better look to notice it as Malinda looked up at the sky. Ainsley walked over to her. "Hi, Malinda."

Malinda smiled over at her. "Hello, dear. Have a seat."

Ainsley slightly nodded sitting down next to her. "I haven't seen you around the castle."

"I prefer hotels to staying in the castle. I'm a fan of solidarity." Malinda stated and Ainsley nodded understandably. "How has your stay been?"

"Amazing. I'm kind of not ready for it to be over." Ainsley chuckled looking up at the clear sky.

"Why does it have to be? From what I hear you have Richard wrapped around your finger."

Ainsley laughed in shock. "You know?"

"I know everything. Why do you think everyone acts so scared of me?"

"Is that why everyone is astonished I talked to you before?" Ainsley asked with raised brows.

"I'm just a good judge of character." Ainsley laughed. "So, are you staying?"

"I don't know yet." Ainsley shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe you can help me decide."

Malinda shook her head. "I can't make that choice for you."

Ainsley sighed, slightly disappointed to not get a simple answer. "Well, why not?" Ainsley asking with a whine in her voice.

"Because you already know what you're going to do."

Ainsley paused for a moment letting out a deep breath. "You are very wise."

Malina slightly nodded. "Comes with age, darling." Malinda looked up at the sky.

Ainsley was walking back to the castle when she saw Caroline walking over to her. She didn't want to stop, but there was no question Caroline was coming towards her. "Hi." Caroline said with a smile on her face.

"Hi." Ainsley slightly waved at her trying to hide how uncomfortable she was.

"You're Ainsley." Caroline stated.

"Yes, I am." Ainsley nodded. "You're Caroline Morise."

Caroline nodded. "Yes. I wanted to ask you something." Caroline stated and Ainsley sighed, slightly nodding her head. "How long have you been in love with Richard?"

"How...?" Ainsley trailed on struggling to find the right words.

"Please, I know the look when I see it. I had it." Caroline scoffed. "Listen, I'm not here to cause you problems. I just want to talk to you. I know that you love him and I know how much you probably want to be with him, but I want you to think about something." Caroline paused letting out a deep breath. "What's best for him?"

"What do you mean?" Ainsley asked, confused.

"He's going to be a king. He's going to have a country to look after. He needs someone to lean on that knows Cosna. Someone who can guide him. Are you sure you can do that?" Caroline asked and Ainsley held her breath looking away from her. "I'm sure you are sweet and caring and I believe that you love him. I'm asking you to love him enough to do what's best for him." Caroline turned away starting to walk away.

"I know what you're doing." Ainsley stated making Caroline stop and look back at her. Ainsley crossed her arms. "You're planting a seed. Trying to put doubt, so you can weave yourself in when I push him away. It's a bitch move."

Caroline smirked. "And yet it worked." Caroline stated before walking away from Ainsley.

Ainsley sighed. "Bitch." Ainsley mumbled before walking away.


Ainsley told everything to Katie as she brushed her hair into a ponytail. Katie stood in the bathroom brushing her teeth. "You can't let her get in your head." Katie said finishing up and Ainsley let out a deep breath walking over to the window.

"She's not." Ainsley said crossing her arms as she looking at the night sky. So many stars scattered around.

"But?" Katie asked walking out of the bathroom.

Ainsley slightly crossed her arms. "But she didn't tell me anything I haven't already thought."

"You can't do this to yourself." Katie stated walking over to sit down on Ainsley's bed.

Ainsley shook her head. "I'm not."

"You're really thinking about leaving?" Katie asked and Ainsley sighed looking back at Katie. "Why would you do that?"

Ainsley sighed. "Because I love him." Was the simplest answer she could give.

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