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Ainley walked through the diner cleaning up the last of the tables and stacking up the chairs on top. "Any plans?" The question came from the cash register where her co-workers were standing. Callie, another waitress, was counting money out of the register and Mika, a cook, was leaning against the counter eating a cookie.

"The same plans I have every Saturday." Ainsley said walking over to them.

"Girl, you have to have fun every once and awhile." Callie said and Ainsley chuckled sitting at one of the stools in front of the counter.

"I have fun." Ainsley said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Even I know that's not true." Mika pointed out and Ainsley rolled her eyes. Callie finished up at the cash register walking to the back. Ainsley jumped off of the stool starting to follow her direction as she untied her apron. "Hey, Ainsley." Mika called out getting her attention.

Ainsley looked over at him. "Yeah?" Ainsley asked and Mika slightly chuckled looking down as he nervously rubbed his hands together. "Are you okay?"

Mika nodded. "Yeah, I just. I know you have the day off tomorrow and I have the day off tomorrow. I just wanted to know if you wanted to do something. a date?"

"A date?" Ainsley asked, stunned.

"Yeah, yeah. I mean, if you want." Mika said, trying to calm his own nerves.

Ainsley paused for a moment. She wasn't sure if dating someone she works with is a good idea, but it's been so long since she's had a date. Making up her mind, Ainsley nodded. "Yeah, I would like that." Ainsley said and Mika smiled at her.

"Perfect." Mika said and Ainsley felt a knot in her stomach as she walked away. Maybe she was jumping the gun. Maybe she wasn't ready to go on a date. Maybe she was just overthinking it. Maybe it was going to be fine. Maybe it was all going to work out. Maybe this was what she needed.

Ainsley made it back to her apartment kicking off her sneakers at the door and taking off her jacket hanging it up by the door. Ainsley walked into the living room to see her roommate, Katie Johnson, sitting on the beige couch with her laptop on her lap. "What are you doing?" Ainsley asked, not even getting a look from her.

Katie patted the spot on the couch next to her. "Well, you know my obsession with princes?" Katie asked and Ainsley sat down next to her.

"How could I not." Ainsley answered.

"Anyway, there's a contest to win a chance for you and a guest to visit the country of Cosna to stay for a month at the palace and watch the coordination of Prince Richard."

Ainsley shook her head with no expression on her face. "I have no idea where that place is or who that is."

"It's a beautiful little country with a prince that is available and of age!" Katie's smile slightly fell. "And as much as I wanted the English crown. Everyone that can give me that is either married or children." Katie sighed. "So that dream has to be shifted."

Ainsley nodded. "So you are going to charm this Prince Richard into marrying you?" Ainsley asked.

"Yeah, if I win the contest. Which I'm going to win."

Something told Ainsley to not ask any more questions, but she couldn't help it. It was happening. "How do you win?"

"You fill out this questionnaire about you and your family and then you write an essay on why you would want to come- and OH! I just got the best idea!"

Ainsley sighed. "Oh no, what?" Ainsley asked, already cursing herself before the words even left her mouth.

"You should enter too. Plus, if we send a photo, I'm sure we can win." Katie smirked at her.

"No." Ainsley stated standing up from her seat and walking away.

"No, photo, but you'll enter right?" Katie asked as she heard the door to Ainsley's bedroom shut. "I'll send you the link!"


After a shower, a good brushing of her hair, and music moving through her headphones, Ainsley sat down on her bed opening her laptop. Ainsley opened her email noticing the top one was from Katie. She didn't want to click it. She didn't want a chance to go to Macedonia or Moondoor or whatever it was called. But Katie was her best friend and she wasn't going to win anyway. So she took a deep breath in and opened the link.

Why do you want to visit Cosna?

Truth Answer: 'I don't want to win. I just want my best friend/roommate to get off my back.'

False Answer:

Ainsley stared at the screen letting out a deep breath. She had nothing. She didn't know what to say. What was there to say? She didn't want to go on any trip. She couldn't go on any trip. But she also wasn't a good liar. If Katie asked if she tried her hardest, she would know Ainsley didn't in a heartbeat.

Ainsley sighed moving her feet off the bed standing up with her laptop still in her hands. She walked back out to the living to see Katie still sitting in the same spot as before. "You want me to enter, you write the essay." Ainsley said, handing her over the laptop.

"This is going to be amazing." Katie said, taking the laptop moving her fingers instantly typing away across the keys. "I'm so happy."

"I have a date." Ainsley blurted out making Katie stop looking up at her.

"You have a what?" Katie asked and Ainsley sighed crossing her arms.

"Mika asked me on a date."

Katie looked at her with a shocked look on her face. "Mika? Works in the diner as a cook? That Mika?"

Ainsley nodded. "Am I crazy? Is this a bad idea!?" Ainsley popped back down on the couch.

"No, the date is not a bad idea." Katie said, turning towards Ainsley. "Going on a date with Mika might not be your best idea."

Ainsley sighed, throwing herself back on the couch. "I'm an idiot!" Ainsley yelled and Katie sighed.

"You are not an idiot."

Ainsley shook her head. "I work with him."

Katie nodded. "Yeah, but maybe this will be good for you. Just stay positive and under no circumstances don't let it cost you your job."

Ainsley rolled her eyes. "I'm going to go mope in my bedroom." Ainsley stood up from the couch making her way to her bedroom, shutting the door, and falling face first onto the covers.

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