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Tzuyu's gaze strayed once again towards the window as she paid no attention to her professor.

You couldn't really blame her. Ms Song had a special way of making everything complicated and boring.

Not to mention, it was raining and Tzuyu loved the rain.

A couple of minutes later, she felt someone watching her and she glanced around the classroom finding her professor glaring at her.

Tzuyu cringed internationally. She had a feeling this wasn't going to end well.

"What's so fascinating about the rain, Ms Chou that you have been staring at it nonstop for the last five minutes and ignoring my lecture?" She spoke, her words and tone sharp.

Tzuyu looked down. What should she reply to that?

Mumbling a sorry that she knew wasn't gonna suffice she turned her gaze back to her book.

"You have detention later." Ms Song stated.

Tzuyu looked up at her with wide eyes. Detention?! Why? Just because she zoned out for like 5 minutes?

She opened her mouth to defend herself but Ms Song put up a hand, "Whatever you have to say, save it for later."

As soon as the class finished, Tzuyu got up and walked towards her teacher as the rest of the students rushed out of the classroom.

Lucky them.

"Miss, I am really sorry for zoning out but you know I have always got good grades please let me off just this once." Tzuyu pleaded, bringing out her puppy eyes for dramatic effect.

For a second, Ms Song's eyes softened and she cheered internally.

The puppy eyes never fail.

But then she frowned as if she suddenly remembered something. "That I can't do. You'll have to serve two hours in detention today whether you like it or not."

She grabbed her things and left Tzuyu there in the classroom.

Tzuyu gripped her hair in frustration, holding back the urge to cuss Ms Song. She absolutely hated detention!

She had only gone once there and was traumatized by the amount of delinquents there.

Tzuyu had always been the perfect child. Pretty, smart, obedient and stayed away from trouble.

So it shocked her to see all sorts of bad things happening in detention. And it made her very uncomfortable.

Sighing, she grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulder as she dragged her feet to detention.

"Good going, Tzuyu. The semester just started and already detention?" She gave herself a pat on the back sarcastically.


Tzuyu scowled as she opened the door to the classroom.

She was surprised to see there was no one there. Just a teacher.

Bowing to him lightly, she sat on one of the chairs and placed her head on the table and closed her eyes, trying to get some sleep.

A few minutes in, the door opened again. Tzuyu looked up to see and instantly wished she hadn't.

There stood Minatozaki Sana, hands in her grey sweats as she passed a look to the teacher who stood there.

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