Chapter twenty nine- Pip, the newest Paw Patrol member

Start from the beginning

"JE T'AIME HERCULES," Lafayette's voice suddenly sounded closer, and hope flickered in my chest.

"LOVE, I'M COMING! HOLD ON!" I yelled.

"HERCULES!" He shouted, I heard his voice loud and clear now, and it sounded like he had been crying. "I'M OVER HERE!"

I kept following his voice, and after hitting a rock and tripping into the thick blanket of snow, I finally found him. I trudged through the snow, my feet barely able to lift up out of the snow and place in front of me. That's when suddenly I ran into something soft and warm.

I felt arms wrap around me, and I wrapped my arms around him. He was freezing cold. All I could see through the snow was his shape, which I couldn't even make out features on. Just a dark lump standing out from the storm. I moved my hand down his arm, and found where his fingers where. I realized he had no gloves on.

"You idiot," I said, taking my gloves off and putting them on his hands.

My hands instantly got freezing cold, and I hid them in my scarf so they would keep warm.

"I don't need your gloves. You need them more then me. Keep your gloves, I just need you to be warm," Lafayette said, and I felt his hand on mine.

"Not the time to be cheesy, keep the gloves, you probably have frostbite already. I don't wan't you to loose a finger," I said.

We huddled closer together, snow was piling around us so quickly that we where in our own little hole now. That's when I heard the slithering noise, and a hiss. No its not Nagini, shut up.


I ran my fingers through my hair, sitting on a dark blue couch in front of the fireplace.

"Calm down," John said, rubbing my shoulders.


"Yes, but they are okay. They are safe at Hogsmeade, staying the night in a hotel or something," John reassured me.

"Alex, listen," Aaron said, sitting on the floor in front of me and staring into my eyes. "They. Are. Fine. Stop. Having. A. Panic. Attack."

"I'm not having a PANIC ATTACK!" I shouted, my eyes flicking from one thing in the room to another.

I was worried about my friends. While everyone was completely calm, I felt something was wrong. John did too, but he convinced himself they where okay. I was in the Ravenclaw common room with John, Aaron, Eliza and James. 

"I'm going after them," I said, standing up, unbalancing John so that he fell with a thump on the ground.

"No you're not," James said, forcing me back onto the couch.

"What if they are dying?" I questioned.

"They aren't," John said, sitting back on the couch with me. "You don't need to risk your life for nothing!"

"Fine. If you won't let me go after them, then I will get someone else too," I said, and before they could react, I sprinted up the spiral staircase to the boys dorms.

I skidded to a half in front of a small pile of blankets in the corner. I reached inside and felt the feathers of a snake-like beast.

"Hey Pip," I said, lifting the tired Occamy up slowly into the air. "Can you do something for me?"

Pip blinked a couple times, yawned, and then stared intently at my face.

"I need you to sniff this, and follow the scent trail, okay?" I instructed Pip, showing her Lafayette's favorite pen that said 'Who is ze best? C'est moi' in gold lettering along the side.

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