Part 2

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The welcoming ceremony that was held at the main building was over.

Now I am walking without direction and purpose. Don't know where to go and do what? I do not know.

My main goal was to make friends. That's right, just one!

For the first few days after the entrance ceremony, students must make friends and enjoy the rest of their school life.

If a person fails this task, it is said that three sad years await them.

Following my principle of avoiding trouble, I thought it would be better to make one friend first and build a good relationship.

It's 9.00 in the morning. Students are asked to gather in the designated classroom at 9.15 in the morning, there is still time until the specified time arrives.

I better go to my class right away.

During the welcoming ceremony, we were handed a document and a manual that was 300 pages thick. It contains things about this school and the facilities it has.

The document itself contains personal information for students such as biodata, classes to be attended, and information about our homeroom teacher.

"I was in class D huh."

I wish this was a normal class!

If this is in a novel, class D is usually where students with problems are placed in this school and are said to be defective students. But the future they were about to go through was filled with serious challenges against the humiliation of the upper classes.

Well, those things only happen in the anime world, it can't be happening here.

I arrived at the first-year 1-D classroom.

Behind this door, gathered children my age who will study with me for the next three years.

Straightening my posture and taking a deep breath, I opened the door and walked towards the battlefield.

The distinctive scent of chalkboard and chalk, also the breeze that came in through the window brought in the spring breeze.

Right, this is youth!

I confidently walked towards the back where the chair with my nameplate was on it.

A chair towards the back of the room and right by the window.

Generally, it is where the main character in a particular light novel or manga and anime series is often occupied.

Not that I'm the main character in a story or anything, right? Ok, stop fantasizing and face reality!

The class was only about half full.

Students are looking at their own class material or are talking with their respective friends.

Now, what should I do? Should I talk to someone near me and start a conversation?

Honestly, none of the faces I know in this class. It was natural considering I came from a distant area and had few friends first.

Sitting in front of me was a neatly dressed boy who seemed to be seriously reading something.

He sat hunched over and faced downwards continuously, I wondered what he was reading.

This is my chance, let's meet him.

"... .."

Just as I stretched out my hand and was about to call out to him, I could feel his body shaking violently as if fear had taken his consciousness.

School Of EliteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora