Loose Powder VS Press Powder

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Face powders are mainly composed of two types : loose Powder and press powder. The most obvious difference between the two is the way they are packaged. Loose Powder is light and packaged in jars or tubes whereas pressed powder is pressed and packaged into a compact. Use loose powder as finisher for your makeup look, setting it to give it an even silkier texture. It can either be  tinted or translucent. However, it's best to use  the colorless  translucent one for setting the make-up as it will not disturb the color of your foundation /concealer. As for pressed powder, due to it possibility, u can opt ro use it for touch_ups on the go. Keep in mind, that loose powder can make your skin looks flakey if u have a dry skin and pressed powder can make u look cackey if u have oily skin.

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