King meets Emperor

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As the annoying beeping of that damned alarm clock rang out, a groan could be heard before a few seconds later. Valdus's curled fist whirled around and slammed the alarm clock, silencing the beeping but also smashing both it and cracking the nightstand. Nyarlathotep, who was alerted by the loud sounds rushed into his brother's room. Concerned for his health.

"Are you alright?!"

Nyarlathotep's eyes flickered over to the cracked nightstand and the broken alarm clock before sighing as visible grunts could be heard from Valdus as he stretched. Moving his body back and forth a bit, causing cracks to heard as he tossed the blankets to the side and jumped out of bed, rummaging through his closet and grabbing out a white shirt as he slipped into it, a black jacket which was quickly put on along with black jeans and a belt.

Nyarlathotep walked over to the closed curtains, slowly opening it and letting the light of morning break through the darkness. This caused Valdus to shield his eyes with his arms, not quite exactly comfortable with getting blasted in the face by the sun. As his eyes adjusted, he lowered his arms as he looked at his hands. Each day he spent here, he felt like he was slowly starting to become more human like. But he knew, that he was never gonna be like them. Nor is he gonna be like their gods, no. He was simply here for his own amusement and his brother's sake. Nyarlathotep let out a sigh that sounded like he was getting comfortable which caused Valdus to smirk.

"Thinking about your girlfriend?"

He asked his brother simply yet in a mocking tone as he turned to the door and grabbed the handle, waiting for his brother's response. It was soon answered by a groan as his brother rambled on about how that girl he met wasn't his girlfriend. Chuckling to himself, he opened the door before turning back to face his brother with a rather serious look on his face despite his growing grin.

"Get out of my room weirdo. I'm going to change."

Nyarlathotep sighed as he silenced himself before nodding and offering his brother a smile and headed out. Valdus closed the door behind him and got changed into his usually white suit. Who were they to impose rules on him? What could they do anyways? Suspend him? Plus, his brother was now a chairman at the school anyways. He was pretty much safe to do as he pleased within reason, certainly wearing the clothes he felt comfortable in was reasonable. As he exited his room and headed downstairs, he noticed that his brother had already left the house. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to briefly re-enter his original form as space-time itself, the original primordial darkness. Scanning the selected limited area of his choosing, he spotted his brother. Waiting in a rather nice looking Dark Blue LaFerrari. He was always confused as to why his brother even bought one. Despite their infinite wealth due to them being literally able to convert the earth's atmosphere into their own playground and make it rain money or as the quote goes "Money now grows on trees bitches."

Shaking his head, he exited his omnipresent vision as an outer god, before grabbing a piece of toast and ate it. Again, staying on earth really rubbed off on him. He had no need for food, let alone feel hungry at all yet he still eats and-even though he hates to admit-enjoys the foods they eat and make. As he step foot outside of his house, he didn't bother hiding. People gawked at him, some lusted over him. It wasn't unusual, he even saw a couple of human females staring at his brother who played along. Like he did. As he approached them, they turned to gaze at him. Their jaws dropping and dangled like an unhinged door waiting to just fall over. Merely offering them a smile and a wink which sent them into a flurry of screams, he opened the passenger door and got in as he reached up, waving goodbye to the still hysterical females as he shut the door and waited as his brother started driving.

"Humans. Always consumed in carnal lust and desire huh..ignorant."

His voice was cold, sharp and intended to hurt like a blade of ice being driven into straight into the heart. As his grumble died down, his brother laughed but didn't say anything, Valdus sighed as he leaned on his hand and gazed out the window as the car ride was rather quiet. As both almighty entities pulled up to the school. All the students there cast their gazes towards the car as Valdus and his brother exited..with style. As the car doors closed behind them, Nyarlathotep headed in first through the gates. Same thing happened, all the females gawked at him in bewilderment and infatuation, the males silently cursed. This caused Valdus to shake his head as he entered as well. Alas, the same happened to him too. Even some of the males glanced at him in the same manner, all of this caused him to close his eyes and quickly evade interaction with any of them as he headed into the hall. Getting his stuff ready before heading to class. He waited as the teacher did the usual good morning stuff, blah blah. His time came when the teacher had announced that a new student would be joining them, under the recommendation of the chairman. They gestured to the door as Valdus sighed before stepping into class. His eyes closed as his jet black hair danced a bit behind him. The classroom was sent into chorus of murmurs. Although they were quiet. Valdus could hear them perfectly, clear as day. Some of the things said irritated him others just made him mentally roll his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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