Chapter 4

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We were going to Hogsmead today and I was already running late. I was in the middle of getting dressed when Ron burst in. "Y/n come on we're- oh I'm sorry..." he shot his eyes down to his feet then back up at me. "What's that on you?" He asked closing the door then walking over to me to see better. He knelt down and steadily wrapped his hands around me pressing down with his thumbs. "Does this hurt?" He looked up at me. "Yes" I looked straight ahead with tears forming. He stood up and grabbed my shoulders. "Did Draco do that to you?" He asked with tears forming in his eyes. "No" I whispered looking away. "Look at me" he said. I flinched when he said that to me. "He did, didn't he?" He grabbed my hands and pulled me in to a hug. "I just fell Ron, really it's okay" I hugged him back tightly. "Falling wouldn't give you a nasty purple bruise like that, how would Cedric feel if he found out" he whispered "let me get dressed, then we can go to Hogsmead" I pulled away and then finished putting my clothes on.

I road to Hogsmead with Harry, Hermione and Ron and it was pretty quiet. Ron wouldn't leave my side the whole time and whenever someone would talk to me he'd answer for me as if I was too hurt to speak. We were walking to The Three Broomsticks and it was nice out and snowing. "For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it and yet you have no desire to find out who the half-blood prince is?" Hermione asked. "I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it." Harry snapped back. "Well, it's true. I like a nice chat before I go to bed. Now all you do is read that bloody book. It's like being with Hermione." Ron smiled turning to see if I'd laugh. "Well I was curious, so I went to" "the library." We all interrupted Hermione. "And?" I asked. "And nothing. I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a Half-Blood Prince" she finished. "There we go. That settles it, then." Harry spoke.

"Does anyone fancy a butterbeer?" I asked. They all nodded and we walked in. I immediately noticed Draco was in there with Pansy and they were smiling at each other and she was laughing at everything he had said. Ron noticed I was looking at him then he put his hand on my upper arm "come on, I'll buy you a butterbeer" he smiled. "A chum of mine was sledging down Clancy Hill. We had a very long, homemade, Norwegian-style sledge." I heard Slughorn say as we sat at a near by table.

We ordered our drinks then Draco finally noticed me and smirked at me then went back to talking to Pansy. "Ridiculous" I whispered to myself. "What?" Ron asked looking at me "oh nothing." I looked down. "Oh, bloody hell. Slick git." Ron said looking at Ginny and Dean. "Honestly, Ronald. They're only holding hands. And snogging." Hermione said looking a bit uncomfortable. "I'd like to leave." He said to us about to get up. I pulled him down while Hermione said "what? You can't be serious." She laughed a bit. "That happens to be my sister." He said trying to get up again. "So? What if she looked over here and seen you snogging y/n? Would you expect her to get up and leave?" Hermione asked sipping a bit of her butterbeer. "Harry, my boy." Slughorn yelled walking over to us. "Wonderful to see you." Harry instantly stood up to shake his hand. "And you, and you" Slughorn replied. "So, what brings you here?" Harry asked. "Oh! The three Broomsticks and I go way back, further then I care to admit. I can remember when it was One broomstick." He laughed. "Listen, my boy, in the old days I used to throw together the occasional supper party for the select student or two. Would you be game?" Slughorn spoke again. "I'd consider it an honour, sir" Harry smiled. "You would be welcome too, Granger" he turned to her. "I'd be delighted, sir" she smiled. "Splendid! Look for my owl. Good to see you, wallenby. Have a nice day miss Diggory."he walked away.

"What are you playing at?" I asked Harry. "Dumbledores asked me to get to know him." Harry replied. "Get to know him?" I asked once more. "I don't know. It must be important. If it wasn't, Dumbledore wouldn't ask." He looked away.

When we finished our butterbeers we walked out. I walked with Hermione. I heard Ron whispered "Harry, did you hear what she was saying back there at the pub about me and y/n snogging?" I nudged Hermione and she smiled at me. "Well someone needs to help you two out." She whispered to me. I rolled my eyes then I turned around and seen Draco.

I ran over to him and started to yell at him "what were you doing, Draco? Were you on a date? Because if you don't remember, I'm your bloody girlfriend" I yelled. "Relax, it meant nothing" he laughed looking at his friends. "I'm tired of this, Draco. I'm tired of you." I started to walk away. He grabbed my wrist "don't speak to me like that, got it?" He threw my hand down. I nodded then walked away fast past my friends. I went on a carriage with a different group of people. Cormac, Seamus, Dean and Ginny were on it. I sat next to Ginny.

"Hello, y/n" Cormac smiled at me. "Hey" I smiled back. "I was wondering, are you still going out with Malfoy" he looked me in the eyes. "Yes, I don't know how much longer though" I fake smiled then looked down. Ginny started talking to me after because she knew I was uncomfortable.

When we arrived Ginny, Dean and Seamus all walked together leaving me and Cormac to walk together. He began talking to me but I was hardly paying attention. All the sudden I heard my name being yelled by someone behind me. It was Ron and I stopped so he could catch up. "Hey, Weasley" Cormac said looking a bit angry. "What's up, Ron?" I smiled "I just wanted to check to see if you were alright" he smiled back. "Yeah, I'm alright" I looked down.

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