1: Friends

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A/N: I work with children with autism, so I am basing my knowledge of autism to Rosie. If anyone knows more and would like to comment if anything I have written is incorrect or offensive, please comment! I am not here to offend anyone, just trying to create a character with autism. Love all❤️

Remus and Rosie sat on the train together. Rosie was watching the leaves on the trees and greenery as the train moved. Remus watched his daughter as she smiled into the reflection of the window. When Rosie was around two, the doctor gave him the diagnosis of Rosie being on the Autism spectrum, which came with hardships and a lot of confusion for the single father.

There were many days where Remus wanted to cave and scream at the child for having troubles with being overstimulated, but he would realize, Rosie didn't understand why she was overwhelmed. Remus also learned she liked one particular song that calmed her down, as well as soft fabrics, and even just a hug.

The compartment door opened and two red heads, and two tanned skinned kids looked in.

"Can we sit here? Everywhere is full," one of the red heads asked.

Rosie stared at the new people, she wasn't trying to be rude, she just wanted to remember them.

Remus nodded and let them in.

"I'm George, this is Fred, Lee, and Angelina. Are you new here?" George asked.

"Yes, I'm Professor Remus Lupin, I'm the new Dark Arts Professor. This is my daughter Rosie. Rosie can you tell them hi?" Remus asked his daughter. The group was a little confused as to why she was silent and didn't say hello.

"That's okay, maybe later in the trip?" Remus asked Rosie, who nodded and looked back out the window.

"Anything from the trolly?" A nice old woman asked with a cart full of candies.

Remus got Rosie a chocolate frog. Rosie giggled and opened the box, letting the frog out. She flapped her hands excitedly and waited for the charm to wear off. She ate the chocolate frog and picked up the box to read who she got. Dumbledore.

Remus smiled at his happy daughter.

"Rosie, why don't you go change into your robes? The restroom is right next door," Remus suggested and handed her the specially made robes. Rosie had a meltdown over the original fabric, so Dumbledore used a spell for her new ones to make them softer.

Rosie had also been sorted into Gryffindor before the school year started.

Once Rosie had left, Remus decided to explain why she is a little different.

"I just want to explain why Rosie is quiet sometimes or flaps or shakes her hands when she's excited," Remus started.

"My little sister is autistic, too," Angelina smiled, offering Remus some reassurance.

"Rosie will be in Gryffindor, can you lot maybe keep an eye out or take her under your wing? She is very scared of what people will think of her, and she's never been around so many people," Remus was nervously trying to give the group some information.

"What calms her down?" Angelina asked, placing a hand on her professor's shoulder.

"Hugs, but only sometimes, and I don't know if you know the song 'You Are My Sunshine', but she loves that song," Remus smiled.

"I promise we will look after her, no promises we won't get her into pranks though," the twins laughed.

"Please don't! She already likes to scare me!" Remus laughed.

Rosie came back and sat back in her spot and smiled at the group.

"Hi, I'm Rosie Jane Lupin!" Rosie introduced herself smiling, "can we be friends?"

Rosie || Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now