Rafael drops me off at home, while he goes off to work. I didn't do much that day, just cleaned my guns, watched T.V, and cried a little more.

"Hey, you still alright." Rafael called me from his lunch break, "Yeah, just trying not to think about it. I can't believe he said that to you, he's not like that, I promise." "I know." We talk for his entire lunch break about how his day has been going and the piles of paper he has on his desk.

He arrives two hours later, "You want to do what?" I rise up to my knees, "Let's go out of here, we can leave my dad alone with this. He won't dare to find us, or me. He's too busy trying to find a middle line with the Hale's. He won't notice." He doesn't answer, leaving me in regret. "Okay, if were doing this, you have to at least say goodbye to you brother." I repeatedly shake my head, "Last time I told him about you, look what happened. No, we leave today, and we sell this house. Please let's just go before he comes." And with no hesitation we pack all of our clothes into both of our cars, leaving all the useless stuff that I don't need.

I go into the office and grab all the money I have left, $140,000.

I had already made a call to a friend of mine, and she managed to get us a house to live in.

We drive to a nearby grocery store, he goes in to buy food while I dump my phone in the nearest trash can. I meet up with Rafael at the register, helping him with the bags.

We continue driving north, heading up to Oregon.

"Were here." He picks me up and takes me into the house, tired himself, we both fall asleep on the couch together.

When I wake up the room is dark, the windows are barely letting any sort of light to come through. I turn on the light to the kitchen and it was breath taking. White granite counter tops, brown cabinets and counters, new appliances, and sink. I open the refrigerator and see all the food we had bought is put inside. I walk over to the dinner table down the hall, it was a round table with seats surrounding it and a window looking outwards to the backyard. Suddenly two arms wrap around my waist, "Do you like it." "I love it." We tour the house some more, finding cool passage ways through the house. It had 3 bedrooms, 4 baths, it was just perfect for a family.

1 Year Later

I wait for 5 minutes but it seems like hours. I walk up and down my bedroom, waiting for an answer. "Dear god, hurry up." I bite my nails to the bone, not literally.

Finally my phones rings, "Yes!" I jump off the bed, almost tripping over my shoes. I grab the test, and everything had fallen. "Positive." The test drops in the sink, and I slowly fall to the floor. I start to cry, but not knowing if these are tears of joys, or sadness. But I know one thing, 'How am I going to tell my father.'

The door slams, making me jump up, and scramble to hide the test from Rafael. "Kate I brought some food!" I think quickly at how I'm going to tell him, but I just go for it. I grab my shoes and put them back in the closet, I walk out the room, slowly pacing myself down the stairs.

Walking into the kitchen, Rafael is already taking the food out from the bag, the smell starts to make me crave it. "Hi. It's good to see you." He gives me a confused look, "You just saw me a few hours ago, and plus it's my lunch break. They gave everyone an 1 1/2 for lunch due to the holidays." I sit down at the dinner table, watching him and thinking, 'He'll make a great father. I can already see it.'

We start to eat, and talk about the recent incidents that have been happening in the town. "They don't know what it is, just that it's nothing like what we saw a year and a half ago." I begin to get anxiety, "Have they thought of bringing specialist to help you with the case." He takes a bite of his food, nod his head at the same time. "Yeah, I told them about you." Then suddenly I was relieved, until I felt sick again.

"They want you to come by next week and help us, hopefully with you telling them more information about this animal, the calmer they will become." I touch my stomach, feeling the little bump inside me. "Everything alright? You hardly touched your food." I grab my plate, "I'll save it for later, when I get cravings."

The next morning we both head down to the station, they seem to know what their doing down here rather than Beacon Hills. Officers are typing, walking, or discussing their theories about this animal. "I captured a description of the animal from a local, he said it was white fur, red eyes, and the size a bear. Wouldn't be surprised if this local was in a mental institute." We continue our way into the conference room, where I finally meet the people Rafael always works with. "Sir, this is Kate Argent. The specialist for this kind of animal." Everyone watches me like hawks as I walk pass them to shake the sheriff's hand.

"Please tell us what you think we should know." For some reason, I don't know if that was meant to be sarcastic or real. "This type of animal everyone is seeming to describe, it's not humane, it likes the taste of blood, more precisely humans. All of the recent events tend to happen near the full moon, now don't think I'm crazy here, but this sounds more supernatural than reality." The gave me a soft round of applause. "Good work Ms. Argent."

The Sheriff hands me a file of the victims, suspects, and sites to were the deaths have occurred. I work with the specialist that they also called in, to help gather more information about this thing that we don't already know. We have talked, e-mailed, and written to professors at Ivy league schools who major in werewolf mythology.

I go into my lunch break early to make a phone call, "Hello, Can I make a late appointment for today." She shuffles her work on the other end and doesn't give me a response. "Yes, we have one for 2:00." "Great. Thank you." I rush to grab my keys, trying not to make a scene. When I get outside I call a cab nearby to take me down town. "Dr. Arnold Stewart's Office." He clicks on the meter and starts the way.

The office has a modern touch, all shades of gray. Only 2 people are seated in the waiting area, I wait for the receptionist to come out. "Hello, how may I help you." "I'm here for my 2:00 appointment with Dr. Stewart." She grabs my file and lets me in, taking me to the back room. "He'll be with you in a while." she closes the door which echoes in the room. Pregnancy pictures are all around me, mocking me. After a couple of minutes, the door open and the doctor comes in.

"Kate Argent. What brought you in today." "I'm here for a sonogram, I'm pregnant." He writes something down in my file, 'Hurry up the anxiety is killing me.' He turns on the machines and grabs couple things from the counter. I lay back and relax myself, "This is going to be a little chilly." I rubs the clear stuff over my stomach, and a frame starts to show on the screen. "Well it looks like your 5-6 weeks pregnant." And then my hearts skips couple beats, "But I didn't show any symptoms?" "Most people don't, women who are active in their life tend to not become sick during pregnancy."

After I get cleaned up, he makes another appointment for me in 3 weeks. "Is the father going to be with you during this time." I almost forgot, Rafael. "I haven't told him yet, I just found out." He rips out a prescription paper for my prenatal medicine. "Well Congratulations Ms. Argent, in a couple of weeks we will see if you will be having a boy or a girl." I smile shy at him and leave the office quickly.

I have the erge of calling Chris and telling him, but then how would Rafael feel if I didn't tell him.

I get a call from the sheriff, telling me they think they found the animal's hiding place and to come armed, just in case.

The White Wolf ( Derek Hale Love Story) #7Where stories live. Discover now