"And I call awesome personality and coolness. Oh, I got 'em too!" I joked as well. We both high-fived and Leo went to Health class.


It was the next day and Adam, Bree, and Chase wanted to switch their chips. We were all in the lab and I kept asking them.

"Are you sure you want to switch chips before school? You sure Davenport is okay with this? What if you glitch?"

"They're our chips." Bree said.

"And besides, nothing bad will happen. We don't ask Davenport about everything." Chase said.

"Yeah, I don't ask Davenport which shoe goes on which foot...I label them! Left and not left!" He said while putting his feet on the desk. It showed labels on it and the right one had the word left but was crossed out.

"Okay, Bree, attach the chip extractors to the capsules. I'll program the computer for chip removal. And Adam..." Adam looked at Chase. Chase was at lost of words but he stuttered him to go into his capsule.

"Now, Leo, I have an important job for you to do." Leo looked eager and went to Chase's side. "When we get in, I want you to...push this green button." Chase told him like he was a five year old. "And Destiny, I need you to watch out if Mr. Davenport comes by during the extraction." I nodded my head towards him and Leo looked like he was fuming.

"How come she gets a better job!"

"She doesn't!" Chase simply replies. They all go into the capsules and Leo pushes the button. Bree was red but she turned yellow, Chase was yellow but turned into green, and Adam was green but turned into red. They were done and they exited out of their capsules.

"You think it worked?" Me and Leo ask at the same time.

"Let's find out! Hey Adam, let's arm wrestle!" They got into position and Adam lost in a milli-second. Leo wanted to arm wrestle Adam but, of course, he lost.

"I wanna go!" I say while grabbing Adam's hand.

"You don't want to-OWW!" Adam started but screamed when he lost. I did a little victory dance but didn't hear Davenport coming in.

"Hey-whoa. Why is Destiny dancing?" He asked while stopping in place.

"Umm...nothing!" I say while I run to hide behind Adam.

"Anyways hurry up, you're gonna be late for school." Davenport said while going to the other computer.

"Hey Big D, simple question. What would happen if three totally random bionic kids decided to switch their chips?" Leo asked. I walk towards him and hit his shoulder but smiled when Davenport looked at us.

"He's not asking about them, it's a what would happen kind of question. What would happen if they switched their chips, is what he was asking about." I cover up.

"You guys didn't switch your chips, did you?" Davenport asked. They all denied it and Davenport let out a deep breath in relief.

"Okay, good, 'cause that would be a crazy idea! I calibrated their bionics to match with their biology. Adam has height, so I paired it with strength. Bree is lean, so that increases her speed. And Chase, well nobody asks Chase's impossible wealth of knowledge 'cause he's, you know, nerdy." Davenport told all of us.

"Yup. I got a whole lot of smarts in here. Like numbers and mathy stuff." Chase agreed. Davenport looked at him weirdly but carried on.

"Switching their chips could cause all kinds of unpredictable problems, so you should never ever do it....I have spoken!" Davenport said. He walked out of the lab and me and Leo turned to the trio that were behind us.

The Hidden Bionic (~Lab Rats FF: Season 1~) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now