A Hairband and a Hairbrush: Part 1

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Addison was sitting in her room getting pumped up. She was just invited to her first college party and wanted to look her best. After several minutes of debating with herself, she finally chose a classic ponytail, for those always looked good on her.

Stepping out of her room, she looked around into the common area of the apartment she shared with her roommates. She searched the drawers but didn't find any hairbands or hair ties.

Not finding any anywhere in the common area, she stepped into her roommates room, Lexi, because although she wasn't her first choice both of Addison's other roommates were off doing who knows what wherever they were. Addison wasn't the greatest listener, especially when whatever was being said didn't concern her.

Popping her head into Lexi's room she asked, "Hey Lex,-"(Her roommates nickname), "-Do you have a one of those like elastic rubber band thingies you can do a ponytail with?"

Quickly scanning her room, Lexi saw a hairband but no hair ties. 

"I have a hairband, is that okay?" She questioned while grabbing the hairband.

"Yeah sure, that'll probably work. Can you put it on?"

"Ok," replied Lex. Before Lex put on the hairband, she had a spark of inspiration of a way to get back at her roommate for not listening to her and ignoring her all those times.

Smiling deviously, she pretended to struggle with the hairband.

"Umm, can you help me? Just put your hands back and grab your ponytail." 

Not seeing her evil grin, Addison agreed though thought it was a strange request. She grabbed her ponytail, exposing her arms and pulling them up and behind her head.

Lex swiftly wrapped the hairband around Addison's hands, double looping it and tying it so that her hands were effectively restrained.

Feeling the hairband on her wrists, she yanked on her arms to no avail and her arms didn't budge.

"What are you-"

Addison was interrupted by Lexi spinning  off the chair her and pinning her against Lexi's bed.

"Well," she teased, "I thought I ought to get revenge on you for not listening to me a bunch so I found a good way to do it."

Addison gulped and started regretting ignoring her and all of her roommates. 

"And how are you gonna do that?" she tried to say confidently, although it came out as more of a whisper.

At this, Lex let her famous evil grin creep onto her face.

"Tickling!" With that, she dove her hands into Addison's bare armpits making her squirm and squeal. Trying to thrash about and escape, she found that her restraints were much better made than she expected leaving her no wiggle room.

Lex scratched fingers on Addison's bare armpits, making Addison regret wearing such a skin showing outfit. She giggled and squealed as Lex's fingers teased and danced across the shallow dip in her armpits.

Her laughter was driven up as Lex increased her attack, scribbling wildly with her nails.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPLEHEASEHAHAHAHAHASTOHOHOHOPOHITITHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIHICAHAHAN'TTHATAHAKEHEHITHTH!" Addison managed to get out between laughs. Soon her laughter turned to screams as Lex started tickling as hard as she could even moving her fingers down to tickle her thinly covered belly from time to time.

Her voice growing shrill, Addison begged for Lexi to stop for it was a lot for a girl her size and age. As she fell into silent laughter Lex realized her friend was on the brink of breaking and she reduced her torment to a halt.

"Are you ok?" She said, genuinely concerned, realizing she might have gone a little too far.

Addison who still had residual giggles replied, "Yeah, hihi, can I hihi, get a cup of water?"

"Of course."

Lexi filled a cup with water from the bathroom sink and let Addison take sips of it. 

"I hope you know better now than to ignore me again."

A smile stuck on her face from the tickle torture she had just endured Addison chuckled and said, "Yeah, I won't."

Lex undid the hairband's knot and Addison rubbed her wrists which were sore from all the attempts to escape.

"Ok so uh, you can go to your party now." Lexi said looking down, embarrassed now by how here friend looked so vulnerable just a moment again.

"Yeah." Addison put the hairband into a ponytail and wiped the loose hairs in her face from the wiggling away. She put on her heels and walked through the door leaving for her party. Lexi sat back down and started watching her show once more, both of them ignoring what transpired for a while. 

That is until, it happened again...

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