Chapter 6

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Mysterys P.O.V.

I just met some other people how are going to be "alive" tomorrow. I just need 6 more people. I see three i need to see. I walk up to them

"H-hello are you guys Kanade, Yuri and Otonashi?"

"Yes we are and you are?" Yuri asked

"M-my name is Mystery Akiyama. I need you to come w-with me"

"Ok" Otonashi and Yuri say at the same time

I know that Kanade isnt a talker like me most of the time. We walk to the HTT clubroom. I knock and enter. Everyonr turns my direction

"MYSTERY-CHAN~" Yui screamed and ran over to hug me

"Hi Yui. Onee-chan. I found three more"

"Awesome Mystery" Shes said messing with my hoodie.

I am changing Mystery
She looks exactly like the picture
Name: Mystery Akiyama
Looks: black hair, green eyes, the black sweater, the school uniform skirt but pants when fighting, wears purple converse
Personality: Lolita, childish, blushes when embarrassed or mad, bubbly, excited, shy, and easily embarrassed
Likes: Sweets, her jewlery, her sister (in a sister way) all her friends and snow/ice
Dislikes: Bullies, people messing with her friends and sister, jerks, life without sweets, and getting on her bad side
Other: From england, Mios little sister, ice powers, plays piano, sings and never grows

"Ummm, what are we doing here?" Yuri asks

"Well the world is ending tomorrow and we need your help" Mio said

After a long a** explaining thing

"So yea" Yui said

"Ok we will help" Kanade said

I smiled i havent heard her talk the whole time i went up to her and hugged her

"Yay Kanade-chan is helping us" She smiled at me

Yuri and Otonashi looked surprised

"Why are you guys surprised" I asked

"Well Kanade never smiles or hugs anyone" Yuri said

"Yay! I got to hug Kanade" I said giggling

"Well i will be right back i have to get 3 more people" i say while leaving

'Now time to find Kirito, Asuna, and Yui' I say in my head

I start to walk to where I might find Kirito, Asuna and Yui

I stop in front if the class. The computer room. I walk in and see Kirito, Asuna and Yui

"H-Hello?" I look at them and they turn to face me

"Hello. Who are you?" Asuna asked nicely

"My names Mystery Akiyama. We need your help"

After explaining once again I looked at them

"Ok. We will help" Asuna smiled and Kirito did too. Yui looked at me and smiled a childish smile

"Ok Mystery-chan!" She hugs me and smiled

"Ok. So please come by the HTT club later today" I smile and leave, going back to my older sister

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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