Chapter 5

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Makas P.O.V.


"Maka. Why are you yelling?" Crona asked

"Because we have to discuss something together. Crona can you call Kid, Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki to meet me at the roof please"


He runs off. Where did does idots run to now.

*time skip*

I walk to the roof and finally found them


I hit both of them with my book

"Owwwww. Maka tell us what you want to say before you kill us, dammit"

"Maka I called everyone" Crona said

"Ok thank you Crona. Ok everyone the world is going to end because of a girl in school. By tomorrow no one will be able to move but all of us here and a few other people. I know two people that im certain will be there. It is-"

"Myst and Saika" Soul finished

"Who are they Maka" Kid asked

"Two girls I have known since the beginning of the year"

"Do they have powers?" Tsubaki asked

"Yea. Saika has water, ice, wind, and shapeshifting. Myst has shadows, fire, darkness, and enchanted senses"

"Cool" Patty yelled out

"When will you meet them?" Liz asked

"About-" I looked at my watch


Just then Myst and Saika teleport in with another girl

"Hey Maka. Meet out new friend Mystery"

"Hello" I say. She just nods. Shy.

"Hey Maka, Mystery told us that the world is ending. Is that true?"


"Well I have to get back to my group. Bye-Bye Black Star, Tsubaki, Death The Kid, Liz, Patty, Soul and Maka"

She jumps off the roof

"HHHHEEEEYYYY" We all yell looking over the roof

She turns around and winks at us. Then she teleports out of sight

"Woah. She has symmetry" Kid says with goggly eyes

"Patty I think Kid has a Crush"

Sorry for a short chapter I am in a hurry because my phone is at 2% so if you are reading this right after I post it my phone will be charging. That opening song of SOUL EATER is my favorite song of the anime and until next time see ya citizens

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