Aelin's court seemed to huff in agreement.

Their friends were there.

And they weren't going to let Rhys or politics stop them.

"We'll go. I think I'm the only one who knows how to navigate there....well maybe Lucien too," Rhys stated his eyes glancing at Lucien.

Lucien's nod confirmed that he knew the way and that he would go.

Because Feyre sure as hell didn't.

She hardly saw the facility and hardly paid attention to where she was most of the time.

Her time spent under the mountain, was trying not to die.

Their inner circle looked towards Rhys and Feyre in question. 

They knew exactly what kind of memories going back their might bring up for them. 

And wouldn't argue with them if they said they wanted to stay.

You also don't have to go? Feyre told her mate. 

We're getting them out, Rhys said. There was no doubt in his words. Only Lucien and I know the way. And even if I didn't I would want to go. 

Cassian was the first to speak up from their inner circle, "You guys--"

"We're going," Rhys interrupted glancing towards Feyre. "We'll get them back." 

"You don't--" Mor started, going to say the same thing as Cassian. 

"We're going," Feyre said, both of them looking towards their family to tell them that it was ok. 

Everyone else was paying very close attention the conversation. 

"Is there something 'wrong' with the location," Aelin asked carefully. 

Rhys let out a breath. "That's the place that I was....trapped, for nearly 50 years. My mate doesn't have much better memories of the place. There's a reason why it's abandoned and why no High Lord goes near it."

"We're going," Feyre told them all, before they could try to talk them out of it. "We'll get them out. No one deserves to left down there." 

No one said anything, there were only some faint nods in gratitude. They must've been sending the whole "don't ask because we're not going to tell" message to them about why Rhys was down there for so long. 

Mor was the first one to speak again. "So it's already been confirmed that they have shields around their location right?" Mor asked carefully.

Feyre knew that her entire inner circle would want to help.

"Yes," Rhys stated. "But hopefully I will be able to disable them. And we'll also have Feyre could also help take them down if needed."

"I can also help, if needed," Lorcan stated.

Aelin quickly clarified, "Like how I was blessed by Mala, the fire goddess, Lorcan was blessed by Hellas, our death god."

Shit, Aelin has really powerful friends.

"I'll stay because I know that you're going to want someone to be here," Amren stated, and she wasn't wrong.

Feyre looked to her two sisters. Elain was already most likely going to stay but Nesta....

"I'll stay," Nesta grumbled. "Someone needs to make sure that we don't get attacked by demons."

"I'll go get Azriel," Mor declared but Rhys quickly said, "Nope. I will." And then winnowed away.

A City of Starlight and AshOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora